FLOWER OF SCOTLAND, showing pride in who we are

Flower of Scotland

kept safe by

Although many Scots have adopted Flower of Scotland as the unofficial National Anthem of Scotland, the official National Anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is God Save the Queen.

Flower of Scotland commemorates the Battle of Bannockburn (1314)
when the Scottish Army under Robert the Bruce (Robert I, King of Scots)
defeated Edward II of England.
This ended English rule of Scotland for a time.
In 1603 Elizabeth I, Queen of England, Wales, Ireland and France died childless, and her second cousin James VI, King of Scots, ascended to the English throne.
Thus marriage achieved what force of arms could not.


O flower of Scotland
When will we see
Your like again
That fought and died for
Your wee bit hill and glen
And stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again.

The hills are bare now
And autumn leaves lie
Thick and still
O'er land that is lost now
Which those so dearly held
And stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again.

Those days are passed now
And in the past
They must remain
But we can still rise now
And be the nation again
That stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again.


Hark where the night is falling
hark hear the pipes a calling
Loudly and proudly calling down thru the glen
There where the hills are sleeping
Now feel the blood a leaping
High as the spirits of the old highland men

Towering in gallant fame
Scotland my mountain hame
High may your proud standards gloriously wave
Land of my high endeavor
Land of the shining river
Land of my heart forever, Scotland the Brave

High in the misty mountains
Out by the purple highlands
Brave are the hearts that beat beneath Scottish skies
Wild are the winds to meet you
Staunch are the friends that greet you
Kind as the love that shines from fair maidens eyes

Towering in gallant fame
Scotland my mountain hame
High may your proud standards gloriously wave
Land of my high endeavor
Land of the shining river
Land of my heart forever, Scotland the Brave

The Jeely Piece song:

Oh ye cannae fling pieces oot a twenty storey flat,
700 hungry weans will testify tae that.
If it's butter, cheese or jeely,
if the breed be plain or pan,
the odds against it reaching earth are 99 to wan.

The collage you see below was made from a few pictures from our Scottish Postcard page by Arlene from California. If you would like a copy of it (makes great desktop wallpaper) just send an e-mail by clicking the collage and I will e-mail it to you.

Click here to request Arlene's Scottish Collage from John


For information on your clan / the crest and your tartan check this page oot.

Come have a wee look - Stuarts Stirling Homepage

A wee B&B in North Queensferry, Fife.

A nice B&B in Ayr - with my personal recommendations.

Sunday wouldn't be a Sunday without - THE SUNDAY POST

The Daily Record / Sunday Mail - Scotlands number one newspaper

Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser

Sky Sports - for all the news about Scottish Football

Calling all Rangers Fans

Scottish Football LIVE on the radio, at game time...

For all you Corrie fans

Announcing - BILLY CONNOLLY - Scotlands (the worlds) best comedian !!!

Scotlands Other National Drink...

Scotland - Vs - England

In the old days the English and Scottish
armies used to fight by gathering their armies on top of the hills
and at day break they would run down the hillside
into the deep gorge below to fight.
One morning at dawn there was a fog (as thick as pea soup)
and the two generals decided to refrain from fighting that day.
Whilst the two armies were resting a voice, with a scottish accent came from within the dense fog.

" Any one scotsman can beat any 10 englishmen".

With this, the english general sent down 10 of his soldiers.
There was a hell of a fight and NO ONE returned.
An hour later, the same voice was heard.

" Any one scotsman can beat any 50 englishman".

With this the english general sent down 50 of his soldiers.
The same thing, a terrible fight ensured and again NO ONE returned.
An hour later the same voice.

"Any one scotsman can beat any 100 englishman".

Same same, down went 100 of the best. NO ONE returned.
An hour later.

" Any one scotsman can beat any 1,000 englishman".

By this time, the english general had enough and was about to send down his elite soldiers,
when he saw a lone englishman crawling up the hill.
He was battered to a pulp. As he reached his general he said,
" Don't send any more troops down, its a trap,


If ye like jokes click here fur sum mair guid jokes.


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Webcam Courtesy of Glasgow City Council

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