an excellent sense of what is right and wrong. My loyalty is to family and to my country. I am aSon,Father, Grand-father, Brother, an Uncle, Cousin, Friend, I Am John These pages are bits of me, reflections of my heart and hobbies, likes and dislikes I enjoy the simple things, like the sunrise, I love listening to the wind in the trees, and you have no idea what a joy it brings me to see a young child being happy and playing. These things and many many more bring so much joy into my life. At one point I didn't think this much happiness was possible - what a rush I pray every day and thank God for all he has given me. I have a wonderful family and the very best of friends, they stood for years waiting for me, and now they "stand by me". My parents are beyond description, no matter what I decide, no matter what I do or where I go, they stand by me and support my every decision. Highlights from my life (well there's a real grabber for surfers).I was born in Glasgow Scotland - a good day for me, thanks Mom and Dad. Moved to Canada when I was 7 years old, and spent the first few years in Trenton Ontario. Finished High School in Wawa, where I had my first girlfriend, Dorothy. Joined the military in 1975 as a medic. I met Nancy in Yorkton and we were married on 7 Oct 78. Six years later we had the most beautiful daughter, Gina. I have ran nearly 20 marathons, the best being with my running partner Miriam. I had a wonderful career in the CF and retired in 1996. In 1997 / 1998 I left my family for a new life. On 29 Oct 1998 my son John was born in Irvine Scotland. Gina gave birth my first grandchild - Mikaela - on 27 Mar 2001 Oct 29, 2001 - I rejoined the military, as a medic again. Life with my son's Mom was hard - poor communication skills seemed to be the problem. In October 2002 I was given another chance at life as a single man. my eternal and sincere thanks to all concerned. It was hard in the beginning - but friends and family rallied to help me. I was surrounded by an impenetrable wall of love and support. They helped me to stand up again, and now keep pace with me as I move forward. Nancy and I are now divorced (as of 24 Mar 03), she recently became part of that wall that surrounds me, both in spirit and body. I just learned I will become a Papa again how wonderful is that !!!! Thanks Gina It's now May 2003 - I am enjoying life. My future is in a state of flux right now but hey, I don't have to worry about that I live here, now, today I enjoy here, now, today. My life is VERY good, I have peace, love, contentment. and want for nothing more than that. May 2004 My past year has been laid out in these pages It's been a good year Many noteable acomplishments Lots of good times Many thanks to all the lovers and friends ... "in my life" ...