Ian McLoughlan

This background is the
Maclachlan Tartan,
the McLoughlans
official dress tartan.


This page is being co-authored by


 and Ian’s children,




and other family members,

such as Moira, and Ians Mom,


A dedication page to their Dad, brother,
friend and son, who was taken from us 09 Nov 01.


As the eulogy (in this years paper) at the left reads:


A man with a heart as big as the sky,

We weren’t ready to say good-bye.


And knew not the meaning of selfish or greed,

You believed in us all right till the end.


A wonderful Dad and a special friend,

It’s been so hard to cope since that awful day,

When you closed your eyes and God called you away.


We love you with all our hearts and miss you so much Dad.


Love always and forever


Emma, Steven and Stuart xxx





You left us with a broken heart,

You made this world a better place,

And now there is an empty space.


The world you left us will remain,

Time will never dull the pain.


But golden memories are mine to treasure,

You are in my heart forever.


When my life on earth is done,

We’ll meet again my beloved son.







Dear brother, MR IAN


Always a smile, never a frown,

Always laughter when you were around,

Always joking thoughtful and kind,

Wonderful memories you left behind.


To be together in the same old way,

Would be our dearest wish today.


But God will link the broken chain,

When one by one we meet again.


David, Moira, Tommy, Gary and Sheila





Uncle Ian


You were not one in a million,

You were one in a lifetime.


All your nieces and nephews




In loving memory of our friend IAN

Died on 9th November 2001.

You were always there when we needed you,

No task to great or small,

With a loving heart and a willing hand

You did so much for us all


From Joe and Jim




                                                I never actually met Ian, but we did talk on the phone quite a few times.

                                                And I am actively talking to his family.

                                                My impression is that Ian was a wonderful man,

                                                A soft-spoken and caring man, who would go out of the way to avoid conflict,

                                                Who would go out of his way to help anyone in need.


                                                He dearly loved his children and gave me the impression that they came first in his life.

                                                I understand that in Ian’s last few years he was happy and felt quite free.


                                                It’s a shame we never met, a shame we knew each other as we did.

                                                If nothing else, I am glad I helped to contribute to his happiness.


                                                I repeat the sentiments above,

                                                And, I am glad knowing, that one day we will meet in heaven.


                                                Keep smiling Ian, you left many fine memories with your family,

                                                Well done.



History of the McLoughlans, more about Ian

Photo album


Read and Sign Ian's guestbook