was truly a wonderful experience...
at the time I was "posted" to Cyprus on peace keeping duties with
The Royal Canadian Regiment, 1st Battalion...
4 of us were ready and capable of going to the race,
which was the original run that inspired the birth of the marathon...
we are pictured here in
the Olympic Stadium in Athens.
The 1896 Olympic marathon distance of 24.8 miles was based on the distance run, according Greek legend,
a foot soldier named Pheidippides was sent from
the village of Marathon to Athens,
with the news of the astounding victory over a superior Persian army.
Exhausted as he approached the leaders of the City of Athens,
he staggered and gasped,
"Rejoice! We Conquer!"
and then collapsed, dead.
The short slide show that follows - is my running from 1986 - to 1996.
It was GREAT, had many memorable moments, and lots of great memories.
Number of Pictures: 2 of 4
It is presently 01 Feb 03, the date I have in my head to commit to start running once more...
© 2003