In 1996 I retired from the military. After 20 years of constantly moving around my family and I had settled down.
MACLANIS DUNROAMIN was my first WebPage. Broken down this means – (ma) MY (clan) FAMILY (is) IS (dun) FINISHED (roamin) MOVING AROUND. They were good pages but very simple in construction when compared to the pages I have now. As simple as they were though, Dunroamin told my story, our story, quite well.
I abandoned “retirement” and sought a new life with a new partner. With this new life a new WebPage (she kept this site) came to life, but we quickly ran out of space and needed more freedom, so "" was started.
We co-wrote many pages, but near the end of our relationship we were writing our own pages – working as individuals with separate goals. Still with minor input from each other, we generally posted the pages as “ours”. I feel that a few of my pages and ideas were abandoned as “not good enough,” you can see those pages and ideas here on my site.
For someone who just wants stability and a relationship with one person, the story is confusing, “that page” did not make it as a page or as a couple for very long. In the dying days, I tried hard to keep and maintain these WebPages – but the password was changed and I was put into a position where I could not afford to pay for the web space. The WebSite soon vanished from the Web. We both have copies and seem to draw from them in our solo projects and lives.
In the initial days of accepting that our dot com and our relationship would disappear, I started to conceive a new set of pages by myself. Accepting the reality was hard, making new WebPages was even harder.
I eventually started by describing me, and putting content on the WebPages that was all about mine. The initial name for my pages was – “I Me Mine” – but it seemed too selfish to me, so it fell by the side, the next name was one memory. “Onememory”, was the very first set of pages I wrote as a solo, (actually written out on paper when I had no access to a computer or the internet), it remains unpublished so far, but from this seed, came the pages you see now. Since I was a solo, the next name I considered was “Justme” before making the pages pulic however, the name was changed to "I Am John”.
The pages are developing all the time, ideas are conceived, and born, BUT, not all meet with my expectations and are left as incomplete works. Presently I have about twenty such pages; (not including wee John’s letters) maybe someday they will be complete enough to see the light of day.
I will continue to grow, as will my pages. They reflect what is happening in my life and what my hopes and dreams are. I wish to share myself and make pages that will be interesting, fun and informative for my visitors.
There are a few “hidden” links located on the pages – links to what once was – links to what I hope will be.
I hope that you enjoy the pages – I hope that you will give input and tell me what you would like to see.
Please bookmark these pages and come back once in a while to watch them grow, they are far from complete (probably never will be).