I Am John
my bio
John and
presented here by John
William Wallace
William Wallaces last word
The story of Braveheart is based on
a true Scottish hero, William Wallace.
A man that was first attacked by the English in his home for being dressed in a fashion they did not like. He later was approached and attacked because he had some fish which he had caught near Irvine and was told by the English intruders that he had to share the catch.
William took refuge a couple times with relatives and learned the arts of fighting and languages. He became a learned man and wanted nothing else than Scotland to be free of the bothersome English.
In minor clashes with the English, William classed himself as being "dead already" because the English tried to rule with an iron hand. This was Williams strong point - as with the rest of our country - we had nothing to lose......
William easily gathered the clans
who routinely fought between themselves
this proved to be a very formidable force for the English
" a country united "
At one point William was caught by the English and treated so badly that he was declared dead - his family came to get him and soon discovered
that he was indeed alive.
These words were written for William
"For sooth, ere he decease,
Shall many thousands in the field make end.
From Scotland he shall forth the Southron send,
And Scotland thrice he shall bring to peace.
So good of hand again shall ne'er be kenned."
William now alive continued to wreck havoc with the English attempt to conquer Scotland.
In 1297 A.D. The Battle of Stirling Bridge
William Wallace defeated the larger English Army. The defeat of a professional knightly cavalry by the semi-amateur Scottish infantry force was a shocking reversal of roles. Stirling Bridge was an enormous blow to the greatest army in Christendom.
In short
one man can make a difference
William Wallace became and is a hero - a man fighting for the right for Scotland to be a free country.
A history and a fight that should be taken up
by every Scot today.
Wallace addresses the troops
In respect of William Wallace, the monument to the Battle of Stirling, was built
"The Stirling Monument" Stands on the site where William defeated a
("superior" English army).
His sword stands as a reminder to all Scots that
and an entity to be dealt with.
I Am John's Other Scottish Pages
Burns Supper, in Kingston
My favorite Scottish Recipes
Flower O Scotland
All About Haggis
A collection of Scottish Midi files.
William Wallace a Scottish Hero
© 2003
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