Great Eagle 40 points

ST +3, DX +2, HT +2
Acute Vision +1, Claws, winged flight, peripheral vsion, sharp beak(teeth), telescopic vision x1,
bloodlust, fragile, intolerance(other races), mute, dead broke, primitive (TL 0)
flight at DX+1

Great Snow Owl 75 points

ST +3, DX +2, HT +2
Acute Vision +1, Claws, winged flight, peripheral vsion, sharp beak(teeth), telescopic vision x1, silence level 4, temperature tolerance towards cold level 5, nightvsion,
bloodlust, fragile, intolerance(other races), mute, dead broke, primitive (TL 0)
flight at DX+1

Intelligent birds the size of humans, they have 12 foot wingspans and weigh over 100 pounds (wingspan equals twice normal height for ST and weight is 50 lbs less for ST).
Both races are known to have individuals with magery or psionics and some individuals do not have the racial intolerance and have formed lasting friendships with other races.

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