How to build an air cannon: Materials: 1. 15 inch dia 1 foot long threaded PVC (air tank) 2. 1 PVC cap to fit air tank 3. One adapter to attach desired caliber of barrel to air tank 4. 2 ft PVC barrel of desired caliber 5. Ball air release valve 6. PVC glue 7. Drill 8. Bike valve 9. Bike pump 10. Gloves 11. Nail 13. Lighter 14. Pliers. Assembly: Drill a hole in the back of the PVC cap. Glue in the bike valve. Glue the barrel to one end of the ball resease valve. Glue the other end of the ball valve to the adapter. Glue the adapter onto the tank. Let the glue prime for 24 hours or risk breaking the seal. Then heat up the nail with the lighter and hold it with the pliers. Use the glove on the hand not holding the pliers so that you don't get burnt. Melt all of the joints and connections together and let cool off. Reaheat nail as needed. Pump up the tank through the bike valve with your pump, shove wadding down the barrel, load ammunition, load a smaller piece of wadding so that you can shoot down without risking dropping your ammo, aim, open valve, SMACK!!! Have Fun!
My Plans For World Domination
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This is Brian. I have here plans for air guns, potatoe guns, water baloon launchers, Nerf sniper rifles, and many other various devious little inventions of mine.
Building a Nerf sniper rifle.
1. 10 inch dia pvc 1 ft. long, threaded (air tank)
2. 1 threaded pvc cap to fit the above piece, one adapter to fit onto piece #1 to screw on a 3 ft. barrel the size of desired Nerf dart size.
3. Electric sprinkler release valve, 6 volts
4. Drill
5. PVC glue
6. Pistol Grip
7. Plastic rifle stock
8. Assorted large amount of screws
9. Plastic foregrip
10. 3 ft barrel size of desired ammo (barrel)
11. File
12. Dowel
13. Gloves
14. Lighter
15. Pliers
16. Nail
17. Duct tape
18. Sandpaper
19. Bicycle air valve
20. Bike pump.
21. 1 inch threaded pvc size of barrel
22. Threaded ball air release valve, ends size of barrel
23. 5 inch dia 1/2 foot pvc (secondary tank)
24. 2 adapters to fit onto ends of secondary tank, other ends size of the barrel
25. 2 threaded pvc connecters, big enough to screw barrel into
26. Pushbutton switch
27. Wire
28. 6 volt battery case
29. Electrical tape
30. Green, black, and grey spraypaint (optional)

Glue cap onto end of air tank. Glue adapter to other end of air tank. Glue the 1 inch pvc into adapter. Glue ball air release valve onto the 1 inch pvc. Glue the adapters for secondary tank onto the secondary tank. Glue the other one inch piece of pvc onto end of ball release valve. Glue the secondary tank onto the 1 inch pvc. Drill 2 holes in the base of the barrel just big enough to fit the wires through. Connect the wires to the electric release valve. Glue the electric valve into the base of the barrel, running the wires through the holes. Glue the holes up, too. Glue the pistol grip onto the large tank close to the back. Reinforce it with duct tape. Connect the positive wire from the valve onto the output of the pushbutton switch. Connect the positive end wire from the battery case to the input of the switch. Connect the negative wire from the valve to the negative wire from the battery case. Glue the switch onto the pistol grip. Glue the battery case to the tank right in front of the pistol grip. Screw the rifle stock to the end of the tank. Glue the foregrip so that you can comfortably hold the stock against your shoulder, and hold the foregrip and pistol grip at the same time. Drill a hole just big enough to fit the bike valve in tightly. Glue the bike valve in. Then glue the barrel onto the secondary tank. Let the glue prime for at least 24 hours, or risk busting the seal of it. Hold the nail with pliers, and heat it up with the lighter. Melt all connections together to permanently seal everything. File down all edges. Sand away any exess glue. Then spraypaint camo. Pump up the main tank A LOT, at least until you can't pump anymore. If the seal breaks, you didn't to a good enough job. Open the ball valve for 2 seconds, and then close it. Shove a dart down the barrel with the dowel. Press the switch. Watch confusion from 100 feet away in a tree. Have Fun!
This page will be updated as I come up with new ideas
My Favorite Links:
Free Arcade
How not to build an airgun
Yahoo Games
X Inventions
My Info: Not much
Name: Me
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