<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/i_just_love_you_lord/DearLordJesus.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
Thou hast won each love from me;
Who like Thee - so fair and comely?
Who like Thee - so sweet and lovely?
Matchless One, unrivaled beauty,
None can ever compare with Thee!

Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
Thy way only will I choose;
Though in tears while I'm obeying,
Yet I would not change my standing;
All I long for is Thy pleasure,
And the peace Thy love would bring.

Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
Can I tell it all to Thee?
Thou my love and satisfaction,
Thou my everlasting portion;
Thou art all that I desire,
Nothing else I would pursue.

Hymns, 1158

Lord I Just Love You