Also available :
Noble Spirit CD#2 : Apollo on Fire
Noble Spirit CD#4: Garden of Pensive Meditation
Noble Spirit CD #3 
Monster Island (MP3 clips)
1   Smell the Moon
2   Tambor
3   Fiesta
4   Jimmy
5   Ode to Giotto
6   The Black Bishop
7   People say that they love you
8   The Edge of Osa
9   Wild Lettuce
10  Monster Island
11  Mr. Happy Heart

to order any of the CD's please
contact Iaccarino.
online ordering comming soon!


Noble Spirit CD #5 
Luminosity (MP3 clips)
1   Ascendence 
2    Minuetish
3    Mysterium
4    Moment
5    Lament
6    Luminosity
7    Reconcile
8    Sands
9    Scurry
10  Droplet
to listen to clips you may need to download them to your hard drive and open them with an mp3 player such as:
real player or winamp  on the PC platform or
 easy mp3 player or audion on the Mac platform
Quicktime 4 will  work on both platforms

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