Ekaterina Ieremiyevna Gavrillova
Submitted And Created By Kelly
Pronunciation: Yeh-kah-teh-ree-nah Yer-ee-mee-yah-ev-na Gav-reel-o-va. Featured in "Dancing in the Dark".

Ekaterina, nicknamed Katya, doesn't remember life before the tragedy that separated her from her family when she was 3. She was once going to be betrothed to a neighboring child, Kosma Vasilovich, but when his mother, Natasha, started a witch hunt against the Gavrillovs on the grounds of Treason to the Russian Crown she was taken by her Nanny Albina, a kindly Sage Woman, and raised in a forgotten tenant farmer's cabin. She's close to nature and able to communicate in her own special way with the animals that surround her, a talent which earns her great respect with Kosma, who she later meets as a teenager. She has her own secrets, however, and isn't about to let her parents' deaths on false charges go unnoticed...even if it means conspiring with the real culprits, or using Kosma to her advantage.

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