Think you know everything about Anastasia Fan Fiction?  See if you do!  Search through the Anastasia Fan Fiction Dictionary to find the answers to these questions -- be careful, some are tricky!  People who make perfect 100%s will have their name listed on the upcoming Hall of Fame.
    Your Name/Nickname:

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    1. What was Mikhail Moisse's original name?

    2. What was Eva's original last name?

    3. Who does Alexander Leongard team up with for mischief?

    4. What is Monsieur Dupont's Job?

    5. What year did Joseph Stalin die?

    6. Who fingered Ekaterina Ieremiyevna Gavrillova's parents for treason?

    7. What is Jacques from "Winter Vacation" son's first name?

    8. What does Peter Holinkov call his daughter as a pet name?

    9. What kind of accent did Clara Bow have?

    10. From which ethnic Jewish group does Carmania come from?

    11. What is "con-man" short for?

    12. What is Richard's wife's name?

    13. In which state did the Charleston originate?

    14. What is another term for a short novel?

    15. Who is the secretary of the Parisian Times?

    16. What was Elena Iakovevna Avelova's British name?

    17. What year did Rudolph Valentino die?

    18. What does Kitty Lola's last name mean?

    19. What newspaper is Camille (Cam) the chief editor of?

    20. What year was Tatiana Mikhailovna Leongard born?

    21. What was the infamous dance Flappers loved to do?

    22. What is the name of the ski lodge that Jacques DeLorme owns?

    23. Who is Anya's rival for Brian in "Anya's Boyfriend"?

    24. Who was one of Joseph Stalin's main competitors (that he later eliminated)?

    25. Who's footsteps does Natasha Vasilovich follow in when she refuses to give her children Patronymics?

    26. What's a name for a short novel?

    27. What is another name for the Russian Ballet company featured in the movie?

    28. Who set up The People's Orphanage?

    29. Who is Sherrie's version of Anya and Dimitri's middle child?

    30. Which famous movie star's death in 1926 brought about mass suicides?

    Would you like to be added to the Fan Fic 
    Hall of Fame if you score 100%?

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Special thanks to Kelly, Sherrie', Veronica, and Ashley for letting their
entries and the characters associated with them be used for this game.

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