Somewhere in Time Stories is a chance for all Anastasia fan-fic
writers to display their creativity in writing. Follow the simple
steps here, being sure to read the rules, and you can submit your work
to be read by others as well. Happy reading! Be sure to visit
the Somewhere
in Time Discussion Area to talk about the non-Anastasia stories
you'll find below!!!
July 26, 2001 - "Portraits of Life, Part 3" is up from Kelly!
1. Everyone must
do their own HTML on their own server space, then register the link with
us to post. We ask this because we have very little room left on
our server, as well as very little time. You can design your page
any way you like as long as it's not obscene.
2. Anything goes in the
fiction, as long as it doesn't celebrate moral deprevation.
3. We have the right to
turn away any piece of work presented to us to post.
4. You must provide information
about the story to us through the form below, and be sure and put a link
back to Anya's Journey
on the page for easy navigation.
5. You must have at least
1 piece of Anastasia fiction on the Anya's
Journey Fan Fiction area.
6. If you delete a link,
you must let us know.
7. Please fill out the form
below to send us your story. If you have multiple parts to your story,
you will need to fill out the form several times.