�A Funny Goat Tale
This is a silly but true story about a hard headed goat!
Or is it about the silly woman (me) who tried to catch her?

Well I have a confession to make, I did a naughty thang!
�I got rid of one goat, Pollyanna. She was about half wild.we got so tired of chasing her and every pen we put her in she found a way out of, done eat my rose bushes, day lilies and Nandena bushes!� And was getting out about 5 times a day.
when she ate the rose bushes I knew for sure she had to go.. you
should have seen us� trying to catch her to take her back where I got her..we tried everything and was plum wo out. So I am thinking,what will slow her down so we can catch her? I thought of everything and no good idea could I come up with.
I went into town to the grocery store still just a fuming cause I was mad at her.
All through the store I wondered what to do. Then I got to a certain isle and a light bulb went off in my head (I remembered watching a Ma and Pa Kettle movie where all the farm animals got drunk from drinking sour mash). I went to the end of the isles and walked across looking to see if anybody was in the store that knew me, well I didn't see anybody that should notice anything I did.
Then I went back to the last isle and got a 5th of Boones Farm, Strawberry Hill wine and crammed it way down in the shopping cart, hidden by other stuff.
I went on to the checkout counter and put it on the counter ,kinda buried under bread. The girl checked� out all the stuff that was covering it and that bottle of wine looked like a spotlight was shinning on it! I am looking all around to see who is watching. She finally scans it and sends it on down to the bag boy and he puts everything in a bag BUT the wine and by this time I have broke out in a cold sweat, expecting Sister Nosey Butt from the church to walk in just any minute and her eyes zero in on that bottle of wine.
Well finally he put it in a bag and I relaxe abit.(Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee I got I bought,� now to get it used!)
I got home and found a lil bucket and poured all the wine in it. I put it over in the goat pen...........well greedy Polly comes right on to the bucket and sucks down about 1/3 of it and goes away, like she has had enough.� I remembered how she hogged up all the goat milk replacement I had given� the baby goats a few times so I went and mixed some of that and poured in the bucket with the wine. I stepped out of the gate and here she comes and sucks down all but a tad and I am thinking "O.K . Ole gal I will have you soon! Then her 7 week old baby came up and got some for himself and in a few minutes he was literally leaning up against a pine tree, looking at me kinda cockeyed..

then he tried to get on top of the round bale of hay and kept sliding off the other side.....that was so funny.. about this time I am thinking, Now if yo mama will just get to feeling what you are feeling.

BUT his mama just stood over looking at it all like nutin outta the ordinary was� going on..So I waited a few more minutes and I thought , well she is just standing there but when she tries to run she is gonna stagger and I will catch her..so I go into the pen and start toward her and she shoots off through the woods like greased lightening! Not a tad drunk , she did not even warble, let along stagger or fall! and here I am done wasted 4.95 on a bottle of wine and sweat a lot worrying about getting caught with it and it don't even faze that hard headed goat!
Man was I ever more mad at her then.
Anyhow I gave up and dared GaJarMan� to feed them anything else till she got hungry enough to want food more than to run..so the next day we finally caught her at the feed box!
You can bet we wasted no time cramming her into a large dog crate and taking her aggravating tail back to the man that gave her to me!!
She tormented us so much we still look out expecting to see her walking down the driveway, looking for more rose bushes!!!

I done had me a little talk with them other goats too.�
I told them that iffin they wanna stay in that nice pen and continue to have shelter, hay and sweet feed and water every day, they better keep in their side of the fence and don't even be LOOKING at my flower bushes and fruit trees! Cause next time I won't waste my money on no cheap wine, I will get something that is 100 proof!
And the Moral of this story is? Well if you see a moral here please let me know what it is... :)

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