Hi Chummer!

Cyberspace Program Package is FREEWARE!!!
Do not let you fool by startup  screen and the
help file. I changed the license to GPL, but I 
do not have a running VB-3.90 compiler to update the 
program forms and the help file.

However, if you like it, you may send me money via Paypal on

If you want a color printed manual and a CDROM containing the
DELUXE version, e.g. as present for a friend, just send me 15 €, $15, or and 
equal amount via Paypal link on http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberspace/

In this case please send an email to "icetoaster at gmail.com" (replace " at " with @,
this is for spam preventation) containing following information:

>--- snip ------------------------------------------

Your address:

>--- snip ------------------------------------------

The CDROM contains files for installation on harddisk (as the disk
version), a ready-to-run version for running CYBERSPACE directly from
the CDROM, and the POVRAY description files for ICE and nodes, which
you can use, if you want to create your own 3D-ICE images or new nodes
with the freeware raytracer POVRAY.

S. Markgraf
D-64291 Darmstadt
Phone:  ++49-176-10153085
        (You may speak english or german)
        from Germany: 06151-9182834
E-mail: icetoaster  at  gmail  dot  com
WWW:    http://www.geocities.com/icetoaster and
WWW:    http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberspace

Current version is 2.8.

Okidoki, have fun,
	Stefan aka Icetoaster

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    Source: geocities.com/icetoaster