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Sarah Hughes


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*The information in my Champion Profiles is compiled through a number of reference sources including: news articles, biographies, and Olympic statistics.
"It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice." - Sarah Hughes

Sarah Hughes


Congratulations Ladies 2002 Olympic Champion!


"Shocking Sarah!" "Surprising Sarah!" These were some of the headlines that could be found on papers world wide the morning after the Ladies Long Competition in Salt Lake City 2002. But was Sarah Hughes' gold medal win really such a "shock" or "surprise"? Not to skating fans who had been watching Sarah's steady climb up the ladder of success over the past four years.

The New York native (fourth of six children) began skating at age 3. Her two older brothers, following in their Dad's footsteps, played hockey and her sister skated as well. Her mother says of young Sarah, that she was often the first child on the ice and was fearless. Her parents knew there was no stopping her and even at a very young age, she dreamed of becoming an Olympic Champion.

She began competing in 1996, but it was her silver medal at the 1999 World Junior Championships that enabled her to become the youngest competitor in the 1999, 2000 and 2001 World Championships. And from the beginning she showed signs of becoming Michelle Kwan's (her skating idol) biggest rival in the United States. A consistent skater armed with great technical skill and artistry, she finally won over Kwan at the recent Skate Canada competition.

At the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games, Sarah finished fourth after the short program, fearing she would not medal at all. Perhaps that is the reason she was able to skate her long program completely relaxed, giving the best performance of the night.Sarah

The latest Olympic Ladies Champion, she is still sixteen and still a student. She takes all honor classes at school, and received the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence. She hopes to study medicine and become a doctor. Perhaps she will follow in the steps of fellow American skater, Debbie Thomas, who never captured the gold medal, but left a mark on the sport just the same and now practices medicine.

Quick Facts...

Date of Birth: 5/2/1985

Place of Birth: Great Neck, New York

Height: 5'5"

Copyright © 2001 Vicki Bennett