Idealistic Gamers Unite:
Think of English papers you've been handed back, what would be more helpful to you? "Sloppy work, do over!" or "You need to work on strengthening your main point, you should provide more evidence to support it." The latter is what IGU is looking for.
Visit the IGU room at Online Gaming Resource's MUSH. Telnet to 670 or 670. From the Crossroads, go West, Up and to the Third Floor (type 3) to get to the IGU room. Thanks to Siobhan and OGR for the space.
Our Archives can be found here.
Other sites of interest can be found on our Links Page
The move to the new IGU site is now more or less complete except for updating the new archive. We switched from ezboards to the sibermaus site for various reasons, including a disagreement with the way ezboards handled a problem on one of our sister forums. The new site also gives us a much nicer look, more space to expand and just looks too damn spiffy for words (if I do say so myself, though I had not much at all to do with the layout). The Geocities site is going to stay up for a while, partly as a backup storage site and also as a way to point to the new site since nothing sucks more than links that just vanish on you with no redirect. Note: the new site is registration only. Once you register, you must be approved by myself or sibermaus to sign on and read posts. The approval process takes very little time (currently I think we're at a few hours at best, a day or so at the most) since one or the other of us is usually on and checking for new users.
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