Name: Ashley A.K.A. Krystyn Race: Hispanic Sex: Female Height: 5'7 Weight: 110 lbs Class Of 2006 Grade Freshman For 2002-2003 Age: 14 DOB: March 8, 1988 Zodiac sign: Pisces Hobbies: Flirting, Hanging out with friends, Boy Scouting, going to the movies, keeping my guys happy in every way, basically everything that involves guys! School: Norte Vista Location: Riverside, CA Siblings: 1 younger sister Tiffany & 1 older Brother BRIAN! Best Friend: Evelyn Status: Looking For A Decent, Sweet & nice Guy! Favorites: Sport: Soccer Food: Pizza Pet: Dogs Animal: Dolphin Soda: Dr. Pepper Computer Game: The Sims T.V. Show: Gilmore Girls Music: All Types Group: Backstreet Boys Song: All My Life-KC & JoJo Saying: I Don't Know Hey ppl thanks brian for the great idea!! And dont worry kim they will come around you know what im talking about! Dont worry Jennifer i didnt leave you out cuz see here you are! lol Hey i just want to tell you that i still love you Michael! Omg Windsor if you see this tell Isaac Im going to get him for not calling me!!! well Jesse your to much of a jerk at the moment so im not going to say anything nice to you! And allen im still mad at you for using me! And well Anthony i dont need this from you either! SHIBBY!!!!! to renee hope you get with you know who!! i think you will! SHIBBY!! jennifer we got to go get some shibbies to shibby remember???lol hey Itzel see your not left out either you should come over one weekend so email me! Hey evelyn i hope you and glenn stay together for a while. just remember DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ON A GUY WHO WONT WASTE HIS TIME ON YOU!! If there are any hott guys reading this that lives in california and in riverside email me! lol hey brian dont let that thing come back up with lisa if you love her dont let her slip away you two better stay together or else im not talking to you again especially if it was becuase of that yea!!!!!omg! if i knew my crush's email address or s/n ity would help a lot so if you know who i am talking about email it to me pleaz!!!!!!! thanx hey ppl if i left you out im sorry just email me at ok luvzyazlotz, ash |