Lara's FIRST UK Website!


English Version - Frames - No Frames

Version Français

COMING SOON: Lara's Anglo Alliance

Pour joindre le Webring Lara Fabian.

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I have nothing to do with Lara Fabian, her record company or her management. I am only a fan. This is an unofficial fan site. Please do not send letters to Lara to my address - I have no way of contacting her.

This site is Ó Chris White, 1999 - the English and French versions. Copying, or any other form of reproduction without the authors permission is forbidden and is punishable by UK laws. If you wish to use any part of the site in co-ordination with your site, please contact the webmaster at - you will probably get permission.

Ce site est Ó Chris White, 1999 - les versions anglais et francais.