<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/ieatgoats2/" LOOP=INFINITE>
Its my page so like it people~!
Michael j Pelch (Hoss)
Hello my name is Michael  my freinds just call me Mike or hoss. im currently liveing in south Korea. Im 22 years old. i just dyed my hair balck and think it will stay that way for a while, i kinda like it. Anyway i have a few hobbies to include music, dancing, clubing, drinking, soju, computers and watching movies. I think im a  normal 22 year old male for the most part.
so this is my page i hope you like it.
you can email me at
my yahoo im is
i hope one day to make this page just a bit better.
Have a nice day
Tad and I at the club
Me looking buff i think
Me and the guys