Affiliated to the IEEE Bangalore Section



The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional organization in the world.  35 % of the worlds publications in electrical and electronics engineering are IEEE publications. The IEEE has 36 societies catering to the various areas of engineering.  It is an important standards setting body and has a large member-base all over the world.

IEEE Student Membership

The IEEE members are spread over 10 regions all over the world. The Asia-Pacific region is called Region 10.  The IEEE encourages students to utilize its unique services by means of Student Memberships. The student members of each college/university are encouraged to form an IEEE chapter in their college and work together towards technical excellence.

IEEE Chapter at KREC

At KREC, an IEEE Chapter has been active since 1995. The number of members has been steadily increasing ever since. Under the able guidance of our staff counselors, the student members have enthusiastically participated in several technical events including paper presentations, projects, etc.

KREC Main Building

Site Designed By:
Ravishankar B M and Srihari G N

Contact Address:
C/O Prof. Panduranga Vittal
Electrical Engineering Dept.
KREC, Suratkal
P.O. Srinivasanagar

Copyright © 2001 IEEE KREC Chapter