November 8, 2004 - The I.F.D.E.S. Lodge has a cooking kettle (Caldeiro) for sale. If anyone is in need or knows some who has a need for a cooking kettle (as another hall or commercial kitchen), please call (408) 316-7531 for more information. Thank you! November 7, 2004 - First of all, lets start off by saying thanks to everyone that joined us on September 25th at our Rib Dinner & Auction Furndraiser. We would like to thank everyone who donated auction items, who sponsored, and purchased tickets for the event. This thank you is long overdue. Your generosity has made it possible to raise funds to continue with the upgrade of our facility. ***** Last night (November 6th) was the annual members financial dinner. The financial report was read and a New Board of Directors has been elected for the 2004-2005 year. (To see the new members of the Board of Directors, please click here to go to our B of D page.) The following people resigned from the board: Jose Almeida, Sandra Amorim, Jacinta Bettencourt, Richard Freitas, and Fernando Rocha. Thank you for all of your help and hard work this past year. We appreciate your continued support. Good luck to the new board, and may you have a wonderful year ahead of you. ***** REVISIONS: There was a motion that was voted on and passed several years ago that anyone that was a member of the I.F.D.E.S. Board of Directors couldn't be a board member of the Our Lady of Fatima committee and vice versa. At the financial dinner last night a motion was made to revoke that rule and allow members from either committee to join whatever board they want. The motion was seconded and passed by the majority of the members present. Everyone is a part of the Hall and there shouldn't be any barriers for people who want to help. Last (but definately not least), thank you to the Our Lady of Fatima committee of Gilroy for their generous donation of a brand new cooking kettle (Caldeiro) for our kitchen. May 20, 2004 - The Holy Ghost Festa was a success. Thank you to the continued support of the community it looks like this wonderful tradition will be celebrated for many years to come. The I.F.D.E.S. Board would like to express their gratitude and thank everyone who donated their time and money to the Lodge to help make this cultural event happen. It couldn't happen with out you! Please check out our photo section and see the pictures from this past weekend. THANK YOU'S: *To the 2003-2004 Queens, Sidemaids, and parents - for representing our lodge this past year in other cities at their Portuguese Festas and walking in those sometimes very hot and long parades. *To the 2004-2005 Queens, Sidemaids, and parents - (Little Queens) Anisha DeSouza, Shanalee DeSouza, Christie Azevedo, (Big Queens) Evelyn Rocha, Vanessa Amorim, & Bianca Goulart - Good Luck to you this summer, and may the Holy Spirit bless you wherever you march. *To Manuel Leonardo, Leonardo Silveira, and Antonio Sequeira - for cooking the delicious "Sopas". *To Raca - for entertaning Saturday night with a wide varieity of music, also thanks for posting pictures of the Festa on your website. Good Times! (click here for Raca's photos) *To the Portuguese Organizations, Queens, Sidemaids, and Flags - for attending our Festa and participating in our parade. OUR LADY OF FATIMA THORTON F.E.S.M. MANTECA ST. ANTHONY CELELBRATION PATTERSON STEVINSON PENTECOST ASSOC. LIVINGSTON PENTECOST ASSOC. ATWATER PENTECOST ASSOC. I.P.F.E.S. TRACY F.D.E.S. NEWMAN S.E.S. COUNCIL #8 NEWARK M.P.P.A. MODESTO GUSTINE PENTECOST SOCIETY OUR LADY OF MIRACLES GUSTINE D.E.S. LOS BANOS I.D.E.S. COUNCIL #14 HAWARD S.D.E.S. ALVARADO UNION CITY S.F.V. VILLA STREET MT. VIEW I.F.E.S. STIERLIN ROAD MT. VIEW S.E.S. CORP. SANTA CLARA LADY OF FATIMA SOCIETY SANTA CLARA ST. ANTHONY COUCIL #1 SANTA CLARA I.E.S. SAN JOSE F.D.E.S. MONTEREY A.F.D.E.S. SALINAS I.S.T.W. WATSONVILLE C.P.N.S.F. OUR LADY OF FATIMA WATSONVILLE A.P.D.E.S. CASTROVILLE S.D.E.S. HOLLISTER OUR LADY OF FATIMA GILROY PORTUGUESE HISTORICAL MUSEUM SAN JOSE SOCIEDADE UNIAO PORTUGUESA DE SANTA CLARA (MARCHING BAND) SOCIEDADE FILARMONICA NOVA ALIANCA DE SAN JOSE (MARCHING BAND) *To Al Pinheiro, Richard Freitas, and Joe Bettencourt - for being the Auctioneers on Sunday afternoon and help the Lodge raise some money. *To Alcides Machado - for entertaining the crowd on Sunday afternoon to close off our Festa for this year. Again Thank you to everyone who helped make this years Festa a success. The Board hopes that everyone enjoyed themselves. If you werent able to make it then you missed out. But there is always next year.......... April 13, 2004 - Thanks to the creativity of Gena Pinheiro, the hall has come out with a newsletter for the first time ever. It informs their members and friends what the hall is all about nowadays. The first issue has biographies, history, calender events, etc.........Keep an eye out on your mail for this month's issue! |