thank you for visiting!
Hello fellow scary story fans, welcome to our very humble site. These stories we have here are from all over. If you would like to submit or request a story please e-mail us! Thank you for visiting and hope you enjoy the site!

Question: What do you think about ghosts? Click here to share your thoughts, opinions, and experiences!

Updates:  We still need
your submissions!   We added a new visitor ghost encounter . Sorry for the short break guys, we added four new scary stories ! Enjoy! We also took down the happy holidays display... :(. Ooh, guess what?!  We added the chat room, so go and talk. We added a page on dreaming to paranormal, check it out here. We added a scary story and an urban legend.  I added two scary stories and a visitor ghost encounter. Thanks for all the submissions, we really apprectaite them! I made a new page in the paranormal section. It's a psychic test. Check it out here. I'll be added more later, I just have to find the right html script. I added two new poems. I added two urban legends today. Blegh, there's a bug in the psychic test, but I'm working on it.  I updated the kinesis page! We're gonna have a scheduled chat soon, so check back! We're back!! After short break, we're updating again. Thanks for the submissions! I added a visitor poetry submission and updated the Halloween page. What do you guys do for Halloween? Tell us here. We added two movie reviews and updated the news. I added a visitor ghost encounter. We added a scary story and a page on bloody mary today.

In case you haven't noticed, ifear07 is on a short hiatus. It will be back, so keep sending your stories in! You can still e-mail us with your questions and whatnot at ifear07@hotmail.com ^^.

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