Impeach Bush!
The Oath
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
George Dubya Bush
The Sad Reality: Bush on the Constitution
Worst President Ever!
Tell Your Congressthing!
Bush_Rogue's Gallery
This filmstrip says it all:
The Date, The Lie, And The Liar
War College record of our dealings with Saddam under Reagan and H.W. Bush:
Republicans Are Cat Stranglers, Too.
2005 Nobel Prize for Literature winner Howard Pinter's acceptance speech:
Congratulations to Fred Hiatt
The First AWOL Cokehead Desecrates Memorial Day
"Propaganda to the home front must create an optimum anxiety level."
Ranting at Fred Hiatt and the WaPo
Where do they all come from?  Neocons article from the Nation
Hermann Goering predicts the shrub's "Mission Accomplished"
Sadly, No!
Jesus' General D r i f t g l a s s
Connecticut Bob
Glenn Greenwald
Michael Berube
Josh Marshall
Steve Gilliard
The Daily Howler
Wonkette Not Larry Sabato
My U-t00bz...let me show you them
The Next Hurrah
A lic u blog
Roger Ailes
Cabdrollery with Ruth and Diane Oh Noes Politiks