International Fantasy Wrestling Alliance 2003 Inc. All Rights Reserved. All images, names, trademarks, logos and media files are the property of their respective owner and are in no way deemed to be owned by this website or its webmaster.
IFWA Storm:-
Events Schedule:-
Womens Roster:-
Innovators of Wrestling
Wrestling Defined
Match #1
Ace v IceMan Steve Brody

IFWA World Heavyweight Championship Semi Final
Match #2
Jordan Lee v Scott Robson

IFWA World Heavyweight Championship Semi Final
Match #6
Panther v Crimson

IFWA Women's World Championship
Match #5
Venom v Nightmare Express

IFWA World Tag Team Championships
Match #8
Sphinx v Cozmo
20 Minute Submission Match
IFWA World Submission Championship
Match #4
Joanna Simpson v Ms Excellence
Match #3
Bret Williams v Atom v Quake v Quick Silver

IFWA National Championship
Match #7
Adam Roomes/Karl Shine v Mexis Bros

IFWA Tag Team Championships #1 Contender
Match #9
Dimonic Fury v Takanuchi v Juventera Molera v LionHeart

IFWA Xtreme Championship
Match #10
Winner of Match #1 v Winner of Match #2

IFWA World Heavyweight Championship