113 Westmoreland St
Toronto, Ontario
(416) 532-5082



Public Lectures
...So, it is necessary to distinguish between the flavour of the Work and the flavour of the daily life routine. For this reason, I say to you: Do not escape from these experiences. For self-discovery, make good use of even the simplest experiences in your daily life.

...Any event, even if it is insignificant, brings self-knowledge; because it is in the contact with people how one discover, self-discover our own errors; these errors appear so spontaneously that it is necessary to stay in a state of alertness in order to see them. A discovered defect, has to be worked, has to be judged, has to be analyzed correctly, and has to be comprehended through the techniques of meditation.

Lectures and activities Calendar

2005  Monthly Calendar  2005

Thursdays at 7:30 pm

Free admission