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             The Bakery
        Written by: Crazykoopa
On the one day when the Koopas’ desserts and some other stuff disappeared….

Ludwig: King Dad!

Wendy: Daddykins!!!!

Bowser: What?

Morton: All of the desserts and sweets, delectable treats, snacks, and edibles have vanished from the premises!

Bowser: Where do you suppose we go to buy stuff?

From the living room…

TV: Bigger, better, with even better stuff! Boo Buddy’s Bakery!

All four of them run in.

Ludwig: What a stroke of genius/luck and a coincidence!

Wendy: Whaddaya say, King Dad?

Bowser: Sure! Let’s go!

They flew over to the bakery and proceeded inside.

Boo Buddy: YAY!!! My first customers!!! Will you be my friend?

Bowser: We’re not here for that!

Wendy: We want desserts!

Boo Buddy: Well…help yourselves!

Ludwig: No problem! I’ve got a feeling I’m going to like this store!

Morton dashed down one of the aisles (yes, the place is that big), spotted some well-cooked pancakes, and scarfed them down his throat, pouring syrup down his throat, too.

Morton: MMM…Pancakes!!!!!

Wendy walked to another aisle, filled an entire sack with candy, and started eating some that was left over. Then, she spotted some jewelry-candy on the top shelf, took out her wand, grabbed it, put it in her sack, and moved onto the next aisle.

Ludwig went over to aisle 4, took out a metal claw, and used it to reach a giant chocolate bar on the top shelf.

Then, he ran to aisle 5, crashed into Morton, and in aisle 10…

Bowser: I need to come here more often!

He pushed over one of the shelves, knocking over those of aisles 11-15 in the process. Then,
Bowser ate some atomic firebombs, red-hot gum, and a multi-flavored gumball machine.

Boo Buddy: I hope you’re all enjoying your stay!

Wendy: Are you blind? What does it look like?!

Boo Buddy: I thought you were…guess I was wrong…

Ludwig fired at Boo Buddy, the blast went through him, and hit a chocolate statue.

Wendy: Oooh! More jewelry-candy!

Morton: I see more PANCAKES!!!!!

Ludwig: I spy more chocolate bars!

Bowser: Fiery, atomic flamebombs!

They all climbed atop aisle 2’s shelf, grabbed their candy/treat, and jumped off, while the shelf came crashing down.

Boo Buddy: Gosh! What a bunch of party animals! They’re cool!

Ludwig: This is a blast!

Morton: Let’s load, pack, fill-up the doomship, vessel with some of these scrumptious, delicious, filling, ultra-munchy edibles, which are delectable!

Bowser: Too late! I beat ya to it!

Wendy: At least that’s out of the way. But what are going to do about that huge, angry-looking chocolate statue?

Ludwig: The what?!

They turned around at the same time and saw a Rex-shaped, chocolate statue.

Rex-statue: RAWR!!!!!!

Morton: That’s the meanest and liveliest chocolate statue I’ve ever seen!

Ludwig (drooling): It’s a masterpiece!

Boo Buddy: A living work-of-art!

The statue looked at Bowser, charged pass him, and swallowed Ludwig.

Bowser: How’d that thing came to life, anyway?

Wendy: I have NO idea.

Boo Buddy: Maybe it was from when the Kooky-headed one tried to blast me and it went through me…but that’s just a thought…

Morton blasted it…and it grew larger…

Morton: Oops, my mistake, aye, yikes, my bad, ooga-

Rex-statue: You’re NEXT!

Morton: Me?

Rex-statue: No, the pink-bowed one.

Wendy: Huh? Aah!!

It grabbed Wendy by her bow and threw her into some blueberry pancakes.

Morton: MMM!!!! More pancakes!!!!

Wendy dodged out of the way as Morton nearly devoured her by accident and the statue almost ate her. While she was running around, Wendy crashed into a huge vanilla cake which started moving.

Bowser: That cake looks familiar….

Wendy: It’s another one Chef Torte’s cakes!

Morton: Pancakes are better than regular cakes!

The top layer of the cake fell on Bowser, Booster, who was conveniently entering the bakery, ate it and ran out.

Once they let their guard down, the statue grabbed Bowser, Wendy, and Morton in one claw, roared at them, and just as it was about to eat them…the statue’s stomach churned…and it dropped all three of them.

Wendy: Huh?

Bowser: What happened?

Morton: It looks like it’s in a bad condition, state, form-

The statue roared and exploded in a wave of chocolate milk, with Ludwig surfing on a piece of chocolate.

He surfed onto a big button labeled “Dessert Time” and…several alarms went off.

Wendy: Uh oh! I’ve got a bad feeling about this…

Boo Buddy: Quick! Evacuate!

Ludwig: Why?

Boo Buddy: Everything, along with this store, is about to turn into pastries, cakes, chocolates, and all sorts of edible stuff!

Ludwig: Sounds delicious!

Bowser: Yeah! But I don’t want to be one of those!

They walked out and the whole store turned into edible stuff.

Morton: That was fun, good, and full of….PANCAKES!!!!!

They flew back to Castle Koopa (via, their doomships), ate all the stuff from the store…then, went back and ate the store.

                                                                     THE END
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