Chapter 39 - You Drive Me Crazy

*One Week Later*

"Brian I'm ok, stop hovering over me," Shayla whined as Brian tried for the hundredth time to fix her pillows for her.

Shayla had been home for one day and Brian was already driving her crazy. He wouldn't go anywhere or do anything other than try to take care of her and he wouldn't let her do anything for herself and her mom had to go home to be back to work and McKenzie was gone for the weekend visiting the college campus grounds. He was supposed to be working on the album with the guys but told them he couldn't go so they were trying to do some things without him. She told him she was ok for a few hours and to go but he wouldn't hear of it.

"I just want to make sure you're comfortable. I can't help it, I'm worried about you," Brian said sitting next to her on the sofa where she was camped out. They'd set up the sofa bed in the living room and were using that as their bedroom temporarily so she didn't have to climb the steps.

"Well I'm ok. I'm not an invalid, I can do some things for myself and I'll be ok for a few hours for you to go to the studio."

"No I'm not leaving you right now. What if you fall or get stuck or something. You still can't move that well with your ribs. I'm staying right here with you and I'm going to hover, so just deal with it baby," he smiled.

"Ok whatever," she sighed giving in. He leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"What do ya want for dinner? Kevin and Jen are coming over and Kev said they'd bring something with them," Brian said.

"I don't care whatever they wanna get is fine with me. Why don't you go get some movies or something. I'm kinda bored," Shayla suggested.

"Because you'll get up and be moving around the second I'm out the door," he chuckled. "If ya want a movie I'll have Kevin stop on their way over. If ya can't wait till then I can call Denise and have her go pick something up if ya want, but I ain't leaving."

"No it can wait, I don't wanna make Denise have to go out since it's raining," she said.

"Oh but you'll send me out in the rain. I see how ya are," Brian laughed. "Here it's time for your medicine. It'll make ya sleep then ya won't be bored," he said handing her the pills.

"Wanna play cards or something until I'm sleepy?" she asked.

"Sure, whatever ya want."

"Brian stop it, don't say whatever I want," Shayla huffed. She was getting tired of being laid up and him having to wait on her all the time. "I'm sorry, I just hate feeling like I'm being a burden to you and I'm not used to this. I'm not the kind of person who's patient enough to just lay around all the time. I need to be doing something."

"I know, it's ok. You'll be better soon. With an attitude like that you'll recover real quick. God, I hope so anyway cuz you sure whine a lot," Brian said laughing. Shayla reached to smack him and cried out in pain making him laugh at her.

During the middle of the game of cards Brian looked up and Shayla had fallen asleep. He took the cards out of her hand and tucked the blanket around her and kissed her forehead. He left her sleeping and went in the other room to make some phone calls.

*Later That Evening*

"Foods here!" Kevin yelled as he and Jen came in the front door.

"And your movie," Jen said with a smile handing it to Shayla. Jen sat down at the bottom of the sofa bed and took off her jacket. "Where's Bri?"

"Upstairs, he just go out of the shower. I'm sure he'll be right down. He won't leave me unattended for more than two seconds. Kev you've got to get him out of here before I strangle him," Shayla said.

Kevin laughed. "You know how he is, he's not gonna go until you're better so ya might as well get used to it." He handed her a carton of chinese food and spread the rest out on the bed.

"Hey I thought I heard voices," Brian said coming downstairs. "How did everything go in the studio?"

"Fine, not too bad. You can add your part in later. We're gonna do some more tomorrow if ya can make it," Kevin said.

"No, I'll be......"

"He'll be there," Shayla interrupted him giving him a look.

"We'll see, depends on how you're doing. I might go," Brian said.

"I'll come over and stay with her Brian and you can go to the studio. And Kev can ride with you cuz he can't drive with his leg yet," Jen said.

"There ya go, that'll work," Kevin said.

"I don't know. She tries to get away with being up too much. I think I should stay to keep her in bed," Brian said.

"You're going, you need to get out. All you've done is stay with me in the hospital and now two days here at home. Go or I'll feel bad," Shayla said giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Alright as long as you behave for Jen. And Jen don't let her get away with anything. She's not as tough as she thinks," Brian said smiling at Shayla.

"I'll keep her in line," Jen promised with a laugh.

"Hey is something going on with Nick?" Kevin asked Brian. "He was really moody all day and he spent the whole day on his cell phone. We couldn't get him to do much of anything without biting our heads off."

"I don't know, I haven't talked to him the past few days," Brian replied.

"He was probably talking to Mandy," said Shayla.

"Mandy? Why would he be talking to Mandy?" Kevin asked confused.

"The other night McKenzie saw him with Mandy and Brent at Howie's club. She got upset and ran out so he came over here to talk to her, but she didn't wanna talk to him. I went outside to talk to him and he got a page and suddenly had to take off and wouldn't tell me what it was about but I'm pretty sure it was her. Then the next day, after being at the hospital he came over to talk to Kenzie again and he got paged again and told her he had to go. I mean, it was so important for her to talk to him but as soon as he got that page he bolted. She figures it was Mandy cuz everyone was either here or at the hospital and if it was him mom or something he would've just called her. I haven't had a chance to talk to him yet though because of everything that's been going on," Brian explained.

"Is he seeing her again because McKenzie broke up with him?" asked Jen.

"I don't know what he's doing. It's probably got something to do with this insane plan of his but whether he's involved with her again or not, I have no idea," Brian told them.

"What an idiot," Kevin said shaking his head.

"I'll second that," said Shayla.

"I'll try to talk to him tomorrow at the studio and see if I can figure out what he's up to," Brian said.

"Oh so you are going to go tomorrow?" Shayla asked cheerfully.

"I don't know, you seem a little to anxious to get rid of me. If I didn't know any better I'd think you wanted me gone," Brian said.

"Baby I love ya but you're driving me crazy," Shayla laughed and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well at least it won't be a long trip?" Kevin laughed making fun of Shayla.

"Hey!" Shayla shouted throwing a fortune cookie at him as he and Brian laughed.

"So when does McKenzie come back?" Jen asked.

"In two days. I haven't even heard from her so I guess she's having a good time," Shayla said.

"So how much longer do you have to be on those crutches Kev?" Brian asked.

"Until I can comfortably walk around without them. Probably another day or two," Kevin answered.

"Until then I get to play chauffer and nurse maid," Jen giggled.

After they'd finished eating Jen excused herself to go to the restroom. Shayla took the opportunity to discuss when they would reschedule her surprise party.

"So Kev when are we gonna have Jen's party since we didn't get to do it because of the accident?" Shayla asked.

"I don't know. We can wait until you feel up to it," Kevin said shrugging.

"I'll be feeling better soon and everything's already bought. I just need you guys to help with setting up. How bout next weekend?" Shayla suggested.

"Honey are you sure you're going to feel up to all that? That's not much time to recouperate," Brian said.

"If you guys do the setting up it'll be ok. And McKenzie will be here to help and I'm sure Kimmy and AJ will help too. All I have to do is be there to have fun. I should be up and moving by then," Shayla said. Her eyes pleaded with Brian and he just shook his head knowing he couldn't win.

"Would it help to have it at my place or maybe AJ's?" asked Kevin.

"Maybe that would be a good idea," Brian said.

"No, it's ok to have it here. I'll be fine you guys," Shayla insisted.

"Give it up Kev, she's a stubborn little thing. She's not gonna give up if she wants it that way," Brian laughed as he kissed her nose.

"Ok, if you're sure sweetheart. If you change your mind though you just let me know ok," Kevin said. Shayla nodded in agreement.

"Ok, great. At least now I have something to look forward to," Shayla said happily.

"Make that two things to look forward to," Brian said raising his eyebrows up and down as he and Shayla laughed.

"Oh god you two, give it a rest," Kevin said rolling his eyes.

Jen came back and everyone stopped talking. She looked at them all suspiciously. "What? Why did you stop talking all the sudden?" she asked.

"Nothing sweetie, you just came in at a quiet moment," Kevin told her pulling her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her.

"So Shayla, have you decided what kind of car you're gonna get?" Jen asked.

"Ugghhh!!" Brian and Shayla both groaned.

"Let's not get started on that subject," Shayla said looking at Brian and laughing.

"There's a bit of a dispute on that at the moment," Brian told them.

"Why? What's the deal?" Kevin asked.

"She won't let me buy it for her, that's the problem," Brian declared.

"Oh baby, I don't wanna go through this again," Shayla groaned.

"I don't see why it's such a big deal," Brian said. "We live together and we're selling my house so we can live here. We're gonna be working together and we'll be sharing everything else. I don't understand why you have such a problem about my money paying for things," he whined.

"Because baby, I've told you, I don't want to use your money all the time. I have my own money and plenty on my own, so I should pay for things too and certainly my own car. We're not married so that's the way it's gonna be fair. Plus the Jeep was brand new and the insurance settlement will be more than enough to buy a new car. Why should I be taking your money and let mine just sit there not paying for anything? It's not right and it's not fair to you," Shayla said for the hundredth time.

"But I want to do it for you," Brian said throwing his hands up.

"So why don't you guys just get a joint account that you each put a certain amount of money into each month to pay for things like the house, expenses and cars and going out and stuff and then still keep your separate accounts for the rest of your money to do whatever ya want with and pay the bills ya already have on your own and let the insurance money pay for the new car and if ya go over that amount then it comes out of the joint account," Kevin suggested.

Brian and Shayla looked at Kevin then at each other not believing Kevin had come up with that idea and they hadn't. They both got big smiles and Brian gave her a kiss.

"Makes sense to me. What'd ya think baby?" Brian asked taking her hand and smiling.

"It just might work and would make things a lot easier when we're touring to pay out the bills and how you're gonna pay me. We won't have to mess with what account pays what all the time," Shayla agreed.

"Kev you're a genius. I can't believe you came up with that," Brian said doing some kind of hand shake with him.

"Yeah I know. It's a dirty job but someone has to be the smart one that holds everything together," Kevin said acting superior.

"Ewwww, get real!" Brian, Shayla and Jen all yelled and tossed pillows at him.

"Ok so now that that's settled, what kind of car are ya gonna get," asked Jen laughing.

"This one!" Brian and Shayla both said at the same time each picking up a different car brochure.

"Oh no! Ughhh!" they both exclaimed in frustration as Jen and Kevin laughed at them.

"Ya'll might as well be married," Kevin chuckled.

"Someday," Brian said smiling at Shayla and squeezing her hand.

"It's my car so I get to pick it out," Shayla insisted.

"Oh alright, but I still like this one better," Brian said tossing his brochure aside.

"Yay!!" Shayla cheered. "Here Jen, take a look. I want the dark blue one in the convertible style," she said handing her the BMW brochure.

"Just what she needs, a convertible to flip and have no roof to protect her," Brian sighed.

"Oh you know you like this one. I saw your expression and your eyes light up the first time I showed it to ya," Shayla said.

"Yeah I do like it and I like the blue. Ya do have my kinda taste," Brian said giving her one of his best smiles that made her heart melt. "I just hope you'll be safe. I worry about ya now. But I will like driving it myself," he grinned and pretending he was out pimping.

"Oh please," Shayla laughed.

"I like it, that's a nice car," Kevin said looking at it.

"It has a great stereo too," said Shayla.

"Great, one more thing she doesn't need. She already drives around too fast, radio blaring and talking on the cell phone. All she needs is an awesome stereo to crank up," Brian said shaking his head. Kevin and Jen laughed at him.

"Yeah now that ya mention it, she does kinda drive like AJ," Kevin said laughing.

"The scary thing about it is that she's usually driving around too fast, stereo blaring, and talking on the phone to AJ while he's driving around too fast with the stereo blaring," Brian said laughing hysterically.

"That is scary to think they're both out at the same time," Kevin joked.

"Alright that's enough, I do not drive like AJ. I'm a good driver. I just don't handle sudden turns that well," Shayla protested as they all laughed and Kevin nodded his head emphatically.

"Well guys we better get going. I have to open the store in the morning. We'll see ya around 1:00 and I'll stay with Shay while you guys go to the studio," Jen said gathering up her things.

"Ok thanks for bringing dinner and my movie," Shayla said.

"You're welcome, glad to see you're feeling better lil bit," Kevin said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You too, see ya tomorrow," Shayla said.

"See ya later cuz and thanks for solving our little dilema," Brian said showing them out.

"Yeah I should go into therapy," Kevin said.

"I've been telling ya that for years," Brian chuckled making funny faces at him. Shayla and Jen cracked up.

"I meant into the therapy field as a counselor, oh nevermind. Ya'll are hopeless," Kevin said waving them off as they continued laughing at him.

"Bye," Jen said as Brian shut the door.

Brian locked the door and set the alarm and came back over and laid down next to Shayla. He rested his head in her lap and smiled up her as she twisted his curls around her finger.

"That was a great idea he had. I'm glad we worked that out in a way we both liked," he said rubbing her leg.

"Me too. I guess we'll be ok together huh?" Shayla chuckled.

"Yeah I guess so. I love you sweetie."

"I love you to." Brian raised up and gave her a long kiss before they settled in to watch the movie and go to sleep.

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