Chapter 40 - The Cat's Out Of The Bag

*The Next Weekend*

"AJ would you hang this up for me?" Shayla asked handing him the birthday banner for Jen's party.

"Sure sweetheart, that's what I'm here for. Where do ya want it?" AJ asked.

"In the foyer so she can see it when she comes in. When's Kimmy getting here?"

"About another hour. So that give us plenty of time to get it on," AJ said peering at her over his sunglasses and laughing.

"AJ! Knock it off! And take those sunglasses off, you're in the house for pete's sake," Shayla laughed at him.

"Yes maam. Hang this here, put that there, take your glasses off. Is there anything else? You're getting awfully bossy considering you asked for my help. I thought I was gonna get something in return," AJ joked.

"Ha, ha, you're just so funny. Here put this over there," Shayla laughed handing him some more decorations.

"Baby you're lucky I love ya. I don't know how Rok has put up with ya all week," AJ chuckled.

"Cuz he gets the sex," Shayla laughed.

"That must be it," AJ laughed. He climbed on a chair to hang the banner. "Is this ok right here?"

"Yeah that's fine. Just make sure it's even."

"Man, nag, nag, nag. Where's Brian and Kevin anyway? I thought they were supposed to be here helping too," AJ grumbled.

"Kevin took him to pick up my new car. They should've been back by now though. I wonder what's taking them so long. Kev is probably freaking," Shayla said.

"Well they better show up soon so I can take a break," AJ said.

"Whine, whine, whine. Quit complaining and go help McKenzie clean the pool," Shayla ordered.

"Man I'm doing everything. This ain't right."

"Here have a beer and be happy," Shayla said handing him a beer.

"That's not enough. Give me some sugar," AJ demanded puckering up his lips.

"Oh good lord, fine. Here," Shayla sighed and gave him a quick peck. AJ smiled triumphantly.

"Ha, ha, ha, now I'm happy. Bye," he said bopping out the back door.

"We're back!" Brian called as he and Kevin came in through the garage door to the kitchen.

"Hey, I was beginning to wonder if ya took off in my new car and weren't coming back," Shayla said meeting them in the kitchen.

"I thought about it," Brian said embracing her gently so he didn't hurt her ribs and giving her a kiss. "That's one saweet ride baby."

"And he had the stereo cranked and the top down," Kevin tattled laughing.

"Shh, don't rat me out man," Brian said rubbing Shayla's back.

"Come on I wanna go look at it," Shayla said pulling on Brian's hand.

"Ok come on. I'll take ya for a quick ride baby," Brian said with a grin leading her out the door. Kevin went out back to see if AJ and McKenzie needed help.

"Hey guys," Kevin said walking outside.

"Bout time ya got here. This is for your girlfriend and they've got me doing all the work. They're killing me," AJ complained.

"Sorry, they didn't have the paperwork ready for her car," Kevin said. "Thanks for helping out man."

"Don't mention it. The company of the two most lovely ladies on the planet, they can put me to work anyday," AJ laughed evily wrapping his arms around McKenzie.

"I hear that buddy," Kevin chuckled.

"Hey where's Shay and Bri?" asked McKenzie prying herself free from AJ's roving hands.

"They went for a quick ride," Kevin told her.

"I bet they did," AJ joked.

"AJ! You have a one track mind," McKenzie shouted throwing water on him with the pool skimmer.

"I'll get you for that," AJ yelled. He ran over and picked her up acting like he was going to throw her in the pool.

"AJ put me down!" shrieked McKenzie. She clung tightly to his neck. "Kevvvyyy help me!" she screamed.

"I'm not getting involved in that. I don't wanna end up in the pool too," Kevin laughed.

"AJ put me down please," she begged.

"Give daddy some sugar and say you're sorry," AJ said holding her close to the edge of the pool.

"You're a dirty old man," McKenzie teased stubbornly.

"Old!!" AJ shouted and let go quickly then regrabbing her and laughing. "I may have a dirty mind but I ain't old dear. Now give me sugar and say you're sorry or in you go."

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry," she said and gave him a kiss quickly.

"Ha! I got a kiss from both of the Starks sisters today," AJ shouted putting her down and swatting her butt.

"You rat, you could've dropped me," McKenzie squealed smacking his arm. They were laughing and playing around then hugged each other to make up. AJ picked her up and spun her around as her laughter filled the air. When he stopped she looked up to see Nick standing by the door watching them. He had a look in his eyes of wanting to be with her like that again.

"Hey Nicky boy," AJ said grabbing hands with him.

"I'm gonna go finish somethings inside," McKenzie said. She walked past Nick without looking at him or saying anything.

"I suppose I deserve that," Nick said after she'd gone.

"Hey dude, thanks for coming. I know it's not easy for ya right now," Kevin said patting him on the back.

"Yeah well, I wouldn't miss being here for you and Jen. Kenzie and I will find a way to deal with it. We might as well get used to it I guess," Nick said sadly.

"Or you could just stop seeing Mandy and ask McKenzie to forgive you and take you back," Kevin said. Nick's expression said it all. Kevin and AJ knew he was seeing Mandy.

"Oh my god! You are seeing her again aren't you?" Kevin snapped.

"Look I'm doing what I........"

"You son of a bitch!" McKenzie shouted from behind Nick. They hadn't seen her come back out and hear that. Nick's head whipped around to look at her. "You're seeing her? How could you?" she turned and ran back in the house past Shayla and Brian who had just returned and went up to her room.

"Thanks Kev, thanks a lot," Nick shouted.

"I'm sorry but I didn't know she was there and it's not my fault. I'm not the one being a jackass," Kevin shouted back.

"Why would you see her again? Are you sleeping with her?" AJ asked.

"What's going on? What's wrong with Kenzie?" Shayla asked as she and Brian came outside.

"Nick just informed us he's seeing Mandy again and Kenzie heard it by mistake," AJ said giving Nick a disapproving look.

"Oh my god! Nick you're such an ass!" Shayla blasted him.

"Great, this is just great!" Nick shouted and plopped himself in a chair.

"Did you really think she wouldn't find out sooner or later?" Brian asked. "I tried to warn ya." Brian sucked in his breath and bit is lip instantly regretting saying that because he hadn't told Shayla he knew yet.

"You knew about this?" Shayla asked angrily.

"Honey, I just haven't had a chance to talk to you about it yet and I was hoping he'd come to his senses after the talk I had with him," Brian said glaring at Nick.

"I can't believe you kept this from me," Shayla shouted. "What, were you in on this? Were you part of this plan that's never gonna work anyway? I can't believe you'd do this knowing how I feel about it Brian Littrell. Especially after what it did to them."

"No I'm not in on it, now just calm down and back your ass up Shayla," Brian yelled. Shayla stepped back in surprise. It was the first time Brian had really yelled at her or been angry with her.

"Don't tell me to calm down. You kept this from me. I don't know if I can trust you anymore."

"Guys come on, don't let this come between you guys too," AJ said trying to stop them from saying things they would regret.

"Too late," Shayla shouted and stormed off.

"Shit!" Brian yelled kicking a chair.

"Sorry man," Nick said to Brian.

"Dammit! I can't believe this," Brian snapped. "It's not your fault. I didn't tell her and I should have."

"Nick why are you doing this? It's stupid. Can't you see what it's doing to everyone? What it's doing to you? She's no good man, don't get involved again," Kevin said.

"It's too late, I'm already in too deep," Nick told them. His eyes welled up with tears. "I'm going for a walk," he said and left towards the beach.

"Man she's pissed. I'm a dead man. She'll break up with me over this," Brian grumbled.

"No she won't, she loves you too much. She's just hurt and mad. You're just gonna have to do some serious begging for forgiveness," Kevin told him.

"Kev's right man. You guys got too much between ya for her to give it up that easy. She'll get over it. Just don't do it again or she will break up with ya. And then you'll have to deal with me. I'll go talk to her," AJ said.

"I swear I was gonna tell her. I just hadn't found the right time. McKenzie was always around and I didn't wanna tell her when we went to bed. I've only known since yesterday when he finally admitted it," Brian said.

"Well tell her that. That's not that bad and it's understandable," Kevin said.

"No, she's got every right to be mad. I should've told her right away. I promised I wouldn't keep any of this from her if I knew something. Oh god, I hope she doesn't break up with me. I couldn't deal with it. I love her too much," Brian said holding his head in his hands.

"I know buddy and so does she. It'll be ok. Just give her some time to cool down," Kevin said sitting down in a chair.

"I'm not so sure. Sorry man, it looks like this party might turn out to be a real bummer," Brian sighed.

"It'll be ok. We still got two hours for everyone to calm down. It's Kenzie that won't get over it."

"That poor girl. I don't get Nick and what goes on in that head of his sometimes. There's no way in hell he'll get her back now. He might as well stay with Mandy forever now," Brian said.

"Please don't say that," Kevin laughed. "God don't even think it after what it took to get him away from her last time." They both laughed and groaned thinking about the hell they all went through.

"I'm gonna go talk to Nick while AJ's talking to Shayla. I should let her calm down before I talk to her," Brian said getting up.

"Ok, I'm gonna go pick up Howie and get ready to pick up Jen. The plan is she thinks we're going to 'Tabu' and we're gonna make up an excuse to stop here to pick up something. Don't forget to have everyone park at your place," Kevin said.

"Yeah, my place. I may have to get used to that again," Brian grumbled walking off.

"Good luck bro," Kevin said leaving in the other direction.

"I'm gonna need it, see ya."

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