COMETA UFO Report (France)
Used by permission of the author, Leslie Kean
The following is an unedited version of journalist Leslie Kean's
article on the 3-year French COMETA study on UFO/ET, posted with her
permission on UFOUpdates. Her landmark article appeared, in edited
versions in the Boston Globe, Irish Times, and VSD (France).
[From VSD: The recent diffusion in the United States of the Cometa
report generates multiple reactions starting from politicians from
Congress and military men from the Pentagon. Leslie Kean, an
American journalist, examines the situation.]
Last month's release of the first detailed satellite images of Area
51, the top-secret US Air Force test site in Nevada, prompted a Web
site meltdown as people from across the nation logged on in search of
clues about unidentified flying objects.
''The interest has been really phenomenal,'' said David. Mountain,
marketing director for Aerial Images Inc., which posted the
high-resolution photographs of Area 51 on the Internet.
But those hoping to see signs that captured UFOs are stored at the
site (as some aficionados have suggested) were destined to be
disappointed. Most of Area 51's operations occur underground, making
photos meaningless.
Anyone looking for fresh information on UFOs would have better luck
trying a new, but less publicized, source: a study by the French
military, just translated into an approved English edition.
High-level officials - including retired generals from the French
Institute of Higher Studies for National Defense, a
government-financed strategic planning agency - recently took a giant
step in openly challenging skepticism about UFOs.
In a report based on a three-year study, they concluded that
''numerous manifestations observed by reliable witnesses could be the
work of craft of extraterrestrial origin'' and that, in fact, the best
explanation is ''the extraterrestrial hypothesis.'' Although not
categorically proven, ''strong presumptions exist in its favor and if
it is correct, it is loaded with significant consequences.''
The French group reached that conclusion after examining nearly 500
international aeronautical sightings and radar/ visual cases, and
previously undisclosed pilots' reports. They drew on data from
official sources, government authorities, and the air forces of other
countries. The findings are contained in a 90-page report titled
''UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For?''
''The number of sightings, which are completely unexplained despite
the abundance and quality of data from them, is growing throughout the
world,'' the team declared.
The authors note that about 5 percent of sightings on which there is
solid documentation cannot be easily attributed to earthly sources,
such as secret military exercises. This 5 percent seem ''to be
completely unknown flying machines with exceptional performances that
are guided by a natural or artificial intelligence,'' they say.
Science has developed plausible models for travel from another solar
system and for technology that could be used to propel the vehicles,
the report points out.
It assures readers that UFOs have demonstrated no hostile acts,
''although intimidation maneuvers have been confirmed.''
Given the widespread skepticism about UFOs, many will quickly dismiss
the gener als' ''extraterrestrial hypothesis.'' But it is less easy to
do so once the authors' credentials are considered. The study's
originators are four-star General Bernard Norlain, former commander of
the French Tactical Air Force and military counselor to the prime
minister; General Denis Letty, an air force fighter pilot; and Andre
Lebeau, former head of the National Center for Space Studies, the
French equivalent of NASA.
They formed a 12-member ''Committee for In-depth Studies,''
abbreviated as COMETA, which authored the report. Other contributors
included a three-star admiral, the national chief of police, and the
head of a government agency studying the subject, as well as
scientists and weapons engineers.
Not only does the group stand by its findings, it is urging
international action. The writers recommend that France establish
''sectorial cooperation agreements with interested European and
foreign countries'' on the matter of UFOs. They suggest that the
European Union undertake diplomatic action with the United States
''exerting useful pressure to clarify this crucial issue which must
fall within the scope of political and strategic alliances.''
Why might the United States be interested - albeit, privately - in a
subject often met with ridicule, or considered the domain of the
For one thing, declassified US government documents show that
unexplained objects with extraordinary technical capabilities pose
challenges to military activity around the globe. For example, US
fighter jets have attempted to pursue UFOs, according to North
American Aerospace Defense Command logs and Air Force documents.
Iranian and Peruvian air force planes attempted to shoot down
unidentified craft in 1976 and 1980. Belgium F-16s armed with missiles
pursued a UFO in 1990.
Further, the French report says that there have been ''visits above
secret installations and missile bases'' and ''military aircraft
shadowed'' in the United States.
COMETA spokesperson Michel Algrin says that the report was delivered
to French president Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.
"No response is awaited, only action," he says.
"The COMETA made no request to the US government. It is not entitled
to do so," says Algrin, an attorney and political scientist. "But, in
its report, it recommended to the French government to seek for a
cooperation [sic] with its American ally on the subject of UFOs."
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the Apollo 14 astronaut who was the sixth man to
walk on the moon, is one of many supporters of such cooperation. "It's
significant that individuals of some standing in the government,
military and intelligence community in France came forth with this,"
he said in a recent interview from his home in Florida. Mitchell, who
holds a doctor of science degree from MIT, is convinced "at a
confidence level above 90%, that there is reality to all of this."
He joins five-star Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, the former head of the
British Ministry of Defense and Major Gordon L. Cooper, one of
America's original seven Mercury astronauts, in calling for
Congressional fact-finding hearings into the UFO question. "People
have been digging through the files and investigating for years now.
The files are quite convincing. The only thing that's lacking is the
official stamp," Mitchell says.
Despite the fact that Mitchell is a national hero and has been honored
with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the USN Distinguished Service
Medal and the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, his request for an
investigation has been ignored by U.S. officials.
As the COMETA report points out, the U.S. is unique in its silence on
this issue. UFOs and Defense notes that many UFO files are classified
above top secret, and accuses the U.S. of following a policy of
disinformation. It says that the government has an "impressive
repressive arsenal" in place, which includes military regulations
prohibiting public disclosure of UFO sightings.
Air Force Regulation 200-2, ``Unidentified Flying Objects
Reporting,'' for example, prohibits the release to the public and the
media of any data about ``those objects which are not explainable.''
An even more restrictive procedure is outlined in the Joint Army Navy
Air Force Publication 146, which threatens to prosecute anyone under
its jurisdiction - including pilots, civilian agencies, merchant
marine captains, and even some fishing vessels - for disclosing
reports of sightings relevant to US security.
Although some documentation has been released through the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), researchers have had an increasingly difficult
time accessing information about a subject that the U.S. government
claims does not exist. A 1980 Federal suit is a case in point. The
case was filed in the US District Court of the District of Columbia
against the National Security Agency (NSA) for 156 UFO documents the
agency refused to release. The NSA provided U.S. District Court Judge
Gerhard A.Gesell with a 21-page, Above Top Secret affidavit justifying
the withholding. No one else was permitted to see the affidavit.
The judge dismissed the lawsuit stating that "public interest in
disclosure is far outweighed by the sensitive nature of the materials
and the obvious effect on national security their release may entail."
A few months after the French release of the COMETA report, U.S. Naval
Reserve Commander Willard H. Miller agreed to go on the record about
his participation in a series of previously undisclosed briefings for
Pentagon brass about national security and military policy regarding
UFOs. Miller has been a key liaison to the Pentagon on the subject for
years. "It's time to give some credibility to the fact that there are
those in high places in the government who have an interest in this
subject," he says, taking a considerable risk by coming forward.
Miller retired in 1994 from active duty on the Current
Operations Staff (J3) of U.S. Atlantic Command, Norfolk,
Virginia where he worked operations, intelligence, and special
contingency issues. With over 30 years of experience in Navy and Joint
Interagency operations with the Department of Defense, Commander
Miller has held a Top Secret clearance with access to sensitive
compartmented information.
It has not been easy for Miller to overcome the taboo that the UFO
subject carries among his colleagues in the military. "It is treated
much the way we used to view mental illness. Hide the crazy daughter
in the attic," he says.
In a February, 2000 confidential memo titled "Selected
Discussions with Key United States (US) Department of Defense (DoD)
Intelligence Personnel on the Subject of Unidentified Flying Objects
(UFOs) and Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI)" prepared for this
reporter, Miller spelled out the details of meetings between 1989 and
2000 with named high level Department of Defense intelligence
personnel - including the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
(DIA), an Admiral on the Joint
Staff, and the U.S. Atlantic Command Director for Intelligence - among
others. Miller says he initiated briefings "to provide the flag
officers with information to help the military decision-making
processes when these unexplained craft are encountered by members of
the Department of Defense."
Concerned that many high-ranking military officers are not properly
informed about the UFO phenomenon, Miller believes that the generals
who have come forward in France could have a significant impact.
"Without preparation and planning for encounters, precipitous military
decisions may lead to unnecessary confusion, misapplication of forces,
or possible catastrophic consequences," he says..
The Navy Commander's concern is justified by the historical record.
Declassified government documents show that unexplained objects with
extraordinary technical capabilities pose challenges to military
activity around the globe. U.S. fighter jets have been scrambled to
pursue UFOs, according to North American Aerospace Defence Command
(NORAD) logs and U.S. Air Force documents. Peruvian and Iranian Air
Force planes attempted to shoot down unexplained objects during air
encounters, and Belgium F-16's equipped with automatically guided
missiles pursued UFO's in 1990.
In earlier decades, such concerns were openly discussed among American
government officials. In 1960, for example, Representative Leonard G.
Wolf of Iowa entered an "urgent warning" from former CIA Director Vice
Admiral R.E. Hillenkoetter into the Congressional Record that "certain
dangers are linked with unidentified flying objects." Wolf cited Gen.
L.M. Chassin, NATO coordinator of Allied Air Service, warning that "if
we persist in refusing to recognize the existence of the UFOs, we will
end up, one fine day, by
mistaking them for the guided missiles of an enemy - and the worst
will be upon us."
Wolf also referenced a three-year study which determined that air
defense scrambles and alerts had already occurred due to the presence
of UFOs. All defense personnel "should be told that UFOs are real and
should be trained to distinguish them - by their characteristic speeds
and maneuvers - from conventional planes and missiles" the study said.
These concerns were taken seriously enough to be incorporated into the
1971 "Agreement on Measures to Reduce the Outbreak of Nuclear War"
between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The treaty states that the two
countries will "notify each other immediately in the event of
detection by missile warning systems of unidentified objects...if such
occurrences could create a risk
of outbreak of nuclear war between the two countries."
The COMETA assures its readers that UFOs have not been the cause of
any hostile acts "although intimidation maneuvers have been
confirmed." In France, they say, there have been "visits above secret
installations and missile bases" and "military aircraft shadowed" by
UFOs. Like Miller, they warn against impulsive, uninformed actions.
"In the face of an unknown situation, one must be on guard against any
instinctive self-defense reaction that could be easily interpreted as
a provocation."
Reports such as the one from France may open the door for the U.S. and
other nations to be more forthcoming. Chile, for example, is openly
addressing it's own concerns about air safety and UFOs. The now
retired Chief of the Chilean Air Force has formed a committee with
military and civil aviation experts to study recent near collisions
between UFOs and civilian airliners.
While Commander Miller alerted the Pentagon, researcher Dr. Steven M.
Greer was working the issue within the U.S.Congress and the executive
branch. Greer, an emergency physician who has assembled government
documents, visual evidence and credible witness reports on UFOs, also
attended some of the Pentagon briefings with Miller.
In 1993, Greer was invited to meet with President Clinton's first
sitting CIA Director, Admiral James Woolsey. The three hour event was
arranged by futurist John L. Petersen, President and founder of the
Washington area think tank The Arlington Institute, who "specializes
in the area of national and global security" and currently serves as a
Pentagon consultant, according to Institute materials. Petersen's
credentials include stints at the Office of the Secretary of Defense
and the National Security Council staff.
Petersen declined to answer questions concerning his purpose in
hosting the dinner meeting at his home in Arlington, Virginia.
However, he obviously was aware of the high stakes involved. In a
sensitive memo he sent to Greer just prior to the meeting, he said
that the dinner with Woolsey would "move the whole thing to a much,
much higher plane..." and that "the most powerful people
in the world will have a deep, compelling interest in our
activities..." At the same time, he pointed out that the meeting -
kept secret until 1998 - would raise "significant red flags for those
who don't want to see this succeed."
Greer says he only needed 15 minutes to present Woolsey with the
documentation he brought in a large briefcase. Woolsey was already
convinced as to the reality of UFO's. Most of the meeting was spent
discussing "what all of this means" and "the geopolitical implications
of disclosing this matter fully to the public," Greer says.
In August 1995, philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller provided Greer's
briefing materials to President Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and
Presidential science advisor Jack Gibbons while they spent a weekend
at Rockefellers' Wyoming ranch. Clinton then instructed Associate
Attorney General at the Justice Department, Webster Hubbell, to
investigate the existence of UFOs, as disclosed in his book Friends in
High Places. Despite this request from the Commander-in-Chief, Hubbell
was unable to obtain information on the subject.
Greer has worked tirelessly in an effort to bring about
Congressionsal hearings into the UFO question. He has earned the trust
of over 100 government witnesses with personal, first-hand knowledge
of UFO phenomena and related projects who are committed to testify
under oath. These witnesses made their observations while in the Air
Force, Army, Navy, NASA, private industry and intelligence operations.
According to Greer, they are waiting only for Congressional subpoenas
to protect them from penalties for violating national security oaths
before coming forward.
Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell has talked to a number of these
witnesses. "They have stated their first hand experience with
conviction and their stories check out," he said. Coupled with the new
military disclosures acknowledging national security concerns,
advocates for Congressional hearings believe that the testimonies of
these highly credible government witnesses could force, once and for
all, a government examination of the "extra-terrestrial hypothesis" as
has been done in France.
As a small prelude to these hearings, eleven witnesses risked coming
forward "for ethical, moral and patriotic reasons" as Greer explained
it. On April 9, 1997, Greer and his associates held an unprecedented,
confidential congressional briefing at the Westin Hotel in Washington.
The VIP's in attendance included Representative Dan Burton, Chair of
the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, with his chief
of staff, and staffers from nearly thirty congressional offices.
Representatives from the executive branch, including a staff member
from Vice President Gore's office, were present, along with
representatives of two state governors, the Department of Defense, and
the scientific community.
Greer told the attendees that the witnesses "have directly
handled this subject or have been present while it was occuring -
major events, unambiguous events, not a light in the sky, but
extroardinary events" and "are tremendously dedicated to trying to
bring this forward to the public."
For over one and a half hours, participants heard from a
Pentagon cryptologist who said he viewed extraterrestrial space debris
containing indecipherable writing, and a NASA subcontracter who saw
restricted satellite photos showing flying discs that were routinely
airbrushed out before public release. A navy pilot and his crew
experienced electromagnetic effects in their airplane when a 300 foot
UFO flew 25 miles in two seconds directly in front of the plane, as
confirmed by Gander radar and official government documents.
Witnesses touched on national security concerns such as those brought
to the Pentagon by Commander Miller. Loring Air Force base was visited
by a silent triangular ship which hovered over B-52's on strategic
alert. A senior admiral, amid command center chaos, issued a "force
down" order against an elliptical-shaped craft of unknown origin,
tracked by satellite, radar, and chased by military planes. According
to the witness, it literally jumped between states in under a minute,
flew out to sea and suddenly left the earth's atmosphere.
By all accounts, the VIP's present paid close attention. They had been
clearly informed that these witnesses were only the tip of the iceberg
out of a pool of more than 100. "This is a subject that can either
bore you to death or shock you to death or absolutely leave you
speechless" witness Major Steven Lovekin told them.
A veteran Congressional staffer received a standing ovation when,
unsolicited, she took the floor and declared her determination to
bring this information to the public by organizing for hearings on
capitol hill. The next day, Miller, Lovekin, Mitchell and Greer
brought the same information to the Joint Staff Vice Director for
Intelligence at a private Pentagon briefing.
Two years after the Washington briefing, the COMETA released its
dramatic report which ended by stating that "only increasing pressure
from public opinion, possibly supported by the results of independent
researchers, by more or less calculated disclosures, or by a sudden
rise in UFO manifestations might perhaps induce U.S. leaders and
persons of authority to change their stance." Witness testimonies and
other evidence presented in 1997 did not seem to create movement in
that direction.
"Because the Congress is afraid they won't get re- elected, they don't
even want to talk about this. I just think somebody should do
something," says the Congressional staffer who is working for hearings
behind the scenes.
When Representative Burton left the Westin Hotel that night, he
requested that all information on the subject be sent to his office.
Yet a recent inquiry to Burton's office revealed that whatever
interest the Congressman may have shown will not bear fruit until the
demand for hearings - from both the press and the public - escalates.
"We haven't heard a very loud call for hearings on this issue yet,"
said press secretary John Williams. "As far as any intention of
holding hearings regarding the existence of UFOs or anything that
pertained to that briefing, we have no intention of holding any
hearings on that right now." Williams stated that Burton's interest in
the subject is purely personal.
Some representatives are interested, but only behind closed doors,
says a democratic campaign manager, requesting anonymity, who has been
intimately involved in electoral politics for 29 years. He has met
personally with a number of members of congress on the subject. "With
our thirty second commercials' ability to destroy hard-earned
reputations, particularly using a subject like this, people are very
hesitant to take a leading role on the subject, although they know
that it's a very real matter," he says.
Nonetheless, one congressman did respond to public pressure. In 1993,
New Mexico representative Steven Schiff requested that the General
Accounting Office investigate the infamous 1947 crash of a mysterious
object in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico. Two years later, he
learned from the GAO that all documents and radio messages during the
relevant time period had been destroyed "without proper authority."
Schiff was unable to attend the Washington briefing in 1997 and died
of an aggressive skin cancer the following year. No other member has
picked up where he left off.
Dr. Greer, who has privately briefed both Representative
Christopher Cox and Senator Richard Bryan of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, is asking supporters to apply pressure.
Missouri, the "Show Me" state, has become the first to launch a ballot
initiative urging Congress to convene hearings in which government
witnesses can testify "regarding their personal knowledge of any
UFO-related evidence." Certified by the Missouri secretary of state in
March, the initiative states that "the Federal Government's handling
of the UFO issue has contributed to the public cynicism toward, and
general mistrust of, government - a development injurious to our
Robert Bletchman, a Connecticut attorney who conceived of the
initiative, has no doubt it would win votes in the November election,
as long as the requisite number of signatures are collected in time.
"My expectation is that Missouri will kindle a firestorm of proactive
interest throughout the country in those sixteen states that allow for
the direct initiative," he says. Hundreds of thousands of votes would
be involved. "What does Congress pay attention to? How real people at
the ballot box actually vote," Bletchman says. "Maybe for the first
time the
politicians would have to pay overt attention."
On September 15, 1998, Commander Willard Miller and Dr. Steven Greer
entered the Pentagon through the VIP entrance. After passing through
metal detectors, they were escorted past armed security guards, up the
massive staircase and into the innermost ring of the Pentagon. An
electrically controlled door brought them into the comfortable outer
office of the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),
adorned with mahogany, walnut, brass, and military plaques.
Thirty minutes later, the DIA Director came out of his inner chamber,
parting company with an entourage of high- level foreign Admirals and
Generals. He graciously ushered in his two guests, taking his place at
the head of a massive wood table. According to Miller's confidential
memo of February 2000, an Army Colonel, a DIA staff member and a
Defense Department clerk were also seated around the table. The
briefing lasted 50 minutes.
Greer provided the military officials with declassified
documents from the CIA, DIA, FBI, NORAD, SAC (Strategic Air Command)
and NMCC (National Military Command Center), referencing specific UFO
events connected with military forces and bases. At the general's
request, he provided a "comprehensive overview" of the subject.
Commander Miller's Military Information Outline prepared for the
briefing included a discussion of national security
implications, military risks and recommended courses of action. Greer
and Miller explained to the DIA Director that there is no credible
evidence of hostility from UFO occupants. "The only threat to the
national security of the United States is the continued denial of
undeniable physical UFO occurrences and sightings to a public growing
increasingly frustrated with its government's weak explanations,"
Miller says he told the Pentagon officials. "Some US Air Force denials
defy logic and strain the public's tolerance, he said.
His point was dramatically illustrated in the aftermath of an
extraordinary event that occurred one spring evening over the state of
Arizona. On March 13, 1997, thousands observed enormous, lighted,
triangular craft flying low and silently, sometimes hovering wingless
over populated areas. Hundreds of feet long, air traffic controllers
failed to register them on radar. To this day, the people of Arizona
do not know what penetrated US airspace that night.
In response to public demand, Phoenix city council member Frances
Barwood initiated an investigation into the Arizona triangles. "I like
answers. I don't like unfinished business. People need to push their
elected officials to find out what is invading our air space," she
says. Barwood says she personally spoke with over seven hundred people
who saw the objects.
She was never provided any reasonable explanation. Instead, the
councilwoman was given the run-around from her city, state and federal
government - including Arizona Senator John McCain - and was publicly
ridiculed by the mayor of Phoenix. Yet she still considers this "an
issue of state and national significance." Barwood has retired from
politics to write a book about this experience. "The fact that the
government never interviewed one witness doesn't make me feel too
secure about our national security," she commented during a recent
Arizona attorney Peter Gersten responded by filing a Freedom of
Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Defense in 1999. The
case challenged the adequacy of the governments "reasonable search"
for information about the triangular objects seen over Arizona in
1997, and elsewhere in the US over the last twenty years.
As recently as January 5, 2000, four policemen at different locations
in St. Claire County, Illinois, witnessed a brightly lit, huge
triangular craft flying at 1000 feet, according to the Los Angeles
Times. Most alarming was the report from Lebanon police officer Thomas
Barton that he witnessed the hovering object jump at least 8 miles in
3 seconds. Aeronautical expert Paul Czysz, who spent 29 years at
McDonnell-Douglas designing faster-than-sound aircraft, says that such
rapid motion cannot be explained in conventional terms. The object
would be a "fireball" and "people on board would be mush," he says.
Yet nearby Scott Air Force base and the FAA purport to know nothing,
On February 29, 2000, a reporter brought the issue of military denial
and the Arizona lawsuit to the attention of U.S. Senator John McCain
of Arizona at a California press conference. "I think it's of great
interest," responded the Presidential candidate, acknowledging that
the 1997 "lights" seen over Arizona have "never been fully explained."
Nonetheless, the DoD continues to maintain that it can find no
information about the triangular objects. It provided details of its
search to the court as required by U.S. District Court Stephen M.
McNamee of Phoenix for Gersten's lawsuit. On March 30, 2000, the judge
concluded that "a reasonable search was conducted' even though no
information was obtained, and he dismissed the case.
Like Barwood, Gersten is incredulous. "What is it that has unlimited,
unrestricted access to our airspace in populated areas?" he says.
"With so many worries about terrorist attacks, how could they not know
what these triangles are?"
The danger of such blatant denial is what Navy Commander Willard
Miller brought to the attention of the three star general from the
Defense Intelligence Agency that day in 1998. Miller told him that the
continued denial of information "causes the public to begin to loose
additional faith in the military and the government. That's not good
for the country. That type of non-response threatens the stability,
trust and fabric of an open democratic society," he said.
Miller and Greer left the DIA director with a multi- volume
package of briefing materials and video documentation which had been
prepared for the Washington briefing in 1997.
Once again, the French Generals make the same point raised by their
American counterparts. "How can one try to ignore a phenomena that is
manifested by the regular crossing of our air space by moving
objects...If we do nothing, the very principle of defense and air
intelligence would be called into question," they state.
According to Miller, all of the high-ranking military officers
at the briefings showed "a great amount of inquisitiveness." There was
little laughter. "The briefings were accorded the same serious
attention given to other briefings on national security matters," says
Miller. He has yet to assess, however, whether he achieved the desired
effect of transforming military policy towards UFO encounters and
response to public inquiries.
UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For? recommends that the
French government reflect on "the measures to take in the event of a
spectacularşand indisputable manifestation of a UFO." Surprisingly,
the United States has taken one small step in that
direction. The second edition of the Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster
Control is currently used for training by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) at its National Fire Academy and is taught
nationally through the seven universities offering degrees in fire
science. Chapter 13 of the guide is titled "Enemy Attack and UFO
Potential." It warns fire fighters of known "UFO hazards" such as
electrical fields that cause blackouts, air and ground travel
disruptions by force fields, and physiological effects.
"Do not stand under a UFO that is hovering at low altitudes. Do not
touch or attempt to touch a UFO that has landed," the book warns.
Researched primarily by now deceased US Naval Reserve Captain Charles
Bahme, a Los Angeles deputy fire chief who also worked for the
Department of Defense and the U.S. State Department, the chapter
describes the role that fire fighters should play "in the event of the
unexpected arrival of UFOs in their communities." As an example, it
outlines a scenario of a UFO crashing into the boiler room of a
school, where the spilled oil ignites, endangering the lives of those
inside the craft. The fire officials are instructed to let the
military take over.
Dr. William M. Kramer, professor of Fire Science at the
University of Cincinnati and an Ohio Fire Chief, co- authored the
chapter and will be updating it this year. Kramer says that "the vast
majority of fire fighters believe very definitely that UFOs are
genuinely unidentifiable craft and are not natural phenomena native to
our known earth and our known existence." Like most people, they are
reluctant to admit this publicly.
The French Institute of Higher Studies for National Defense and the
National Center for Space Studies are a few steps ahead of the United
States military and NASA. Not only do they openly present information
acknowledging the existence of UFOs and attempt to explain their
origin, they also recommend a widespread information and training
campaign on preparedness which would reach all sectors of the relevant
political, military, and civilian spectrum in their country. Perhaps
the report by the bold French generals - with its goal of "stripping
the phenomenon of UFOs of its irrational layer" - will be a catalyst
for American authorities to examine the issue of UFO's in a new light.
Full article reprinted with permission of Leslie Kean.
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