Now You See 'Em, Now You Don't
Used by permission of the author, Amy Hebert, M.Ed., C.Ht.
The focus of this article is the examination of current theories concerning
the visibility or invisibility of UFOs and possible correlates found in sighting
reports and observations made by abductees.
Catching a glimpse of a UFO is often a rare experience. If everyone could
see UFOs darting about in our air space, there would be no doubts that
UFOs exist. They wouldn't have to land on the White House lawn or drive
thru a local McDonald's for everyone to believe UFOs are real. If anyone
wanted to see a UFO, all they'd have to do is...look up.
UFOs are classified as "phenomena" because sightings are rare (except in
UFO hotspots) and there are so few witnesses. Many people have never
seen a UFO and some people live their entire lives without ever seeing one.
The rarity of observing UFOs, the lack of public acknowledgement that UFOs
exist, government debunking and ridicule of witnesses who DO come
forward, and various human belief systems divide world populations into
those who believe UFOs exist, those who do not and the "undecided".
The main arguement of those who do not believe UFOs exist is, "Well, if
they are real, how come we can't see 'em?" If they exist, why do only a few
see them and others do not? If UFO occupants wanted the earth's population
to know they exist, they would make their presence obvious to all. But...they
do not. We may therefore conclude that UFO beings DO NOT wish to make
open and public contact with the human inhabitants of this planet at this
time. (Some may argue that they ARE making contact on a one-to-one
basis or in other ways but the consensus is that OPEN and PUBLIC contact
has NOT yet been made.)
The Literature
Some researchers theorize that UFOs are multi-dimensional and appear and
disappear when they "jump" from one dimension to another dimension. Other
researchers believe UFO occupants use various frequencies of the
electromagnetic spectrum to "cloak" their ships and thus create the illusion
of invisibility. And some researchers believe UFOs simply fly too fast for the
human eye to see and this makes them difficult to observe. While
researchers and interested public may argue and debate the validity of each
theory, it is the contention of this narticle* that any or ALL of these theories
may explain why UFOs are seen or not seen. Considering the possibility of
multiple life forms in the universe and the development of diverse
technologies, any and all of the above may apply. Even HUMANS don't drive
the same make, model and color cars.
In his initial assessment, Jacques Vallee considered UFOs to be
multidimensional. Vallee believed, "...the UFO phenomenon represents
evidence for other dimensions beyond spacetime; the UFOs may not come
from ordinary space, but from a multiverse which is all around us, and of
which we have stubbornly refused to consider the disturbing reality in spite of
the evidence available to us for centuries." (Dimensions: A Casebook of
Alien Contact, 1988)
UFOs may use a variety of EM frequencies to "cloak" their visibility and
avoid detection. According to Ellen Crystall, "The ships release short wave
radiation- ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray - which our eyes do not see but
which film registers." Crystall further states, "The ships' external covering
has a quality that can render the ship invisible or transparent when lit. The
ships' lights illuminate the portion of the ship immediately surrounding the
lights. When a ship turns out all its lights, it seems to disappear as if
dematerialized, but it has only vanished from our optical view not from our
space-time." (Silent Invasion, 1991)
The use of EM frequencies to mask visibility may also be used by UFO
occupants while outside the UFO. In a conscious encounter including
multiple witnesses, photographs taken during the event display the image of
a being with large, black eyes standing not more than 6-7 feet from the
witness who took the photographs. However, according to the same witness,
no such being was observed during the encounter. The photographer was
actually attempting to photograph ANOTHER being clearly visible and further
away. The being in the photograph was not visible to the naked eye but
WAS registered on film. (Unpublished investigation by this author.)
Another reason UFOs remain "hidden" may be due to the speed at which
these objects travel. According to John Bro, the analysis of 3 frames of video
footage shot during a one second period indicates, "...the disk is of solid
metallic composition and it is moving between 8,000-10,000 miles per
hour!...far faster than the human eye can track." (How To Videotape UFOs
In Your Own Back Yard 1997)
One More Theory
One theory often neglected in popular UFO literature concerns the reflective
surface of UFOs often described by witnesses. Many observers describe
UFOs as "mirror-like", "shiny", "reflective" and "like polished metal". In the
infamous sighting by Kennith Arnold in June of 1947 of nine UFOs over Mt.
Ranier, "Every few seconds, two or three of them would dip or change their
course slightly, just enough for the sun to catch their reflective surfaces."
(U.F.O.s, 1992) From analysis of video footage taken of objects near the
sun's corona, John Bro states, "It appears that the camera is catching these
UFOs at a critical point of reflection." ("How To Videotape UFOs In Your
Own Back Yard!", 1997)
Abductees also report observing UFOs with reflective surfaces during
abduction experiences. In a childhood abduction, Betty Andreasson-Luca
observed a round ship that was, "...silvery, sort of mirrorlike and transparent,
and trees seemed to reflect in it." (The Andreasson Affair - Phase Two, 1982)
During his 1975 abduction experience, Travis Walton reported being taken to
a larger ship where he observed various reflective objects in a hangarlike
room. Walton remembered, "On my left, toward one end of the large room,
there were two or three oval-shaped saucers, reflecting light like highly
polished chrome. I saw beyond the edge of the brushed-metal craft a silvery
reflection that could have been another shiny, rounded craft." ( Fire In The
Sky: The Walton Experience, 1979, 1996)
UFOs may also use reflective properties to camouflage their presence and
"blend in" with surroundings to avoid observation by human witnesses.
Silvery, mirror-like surfaces would naturally reflect blue skies or other
surroundings rendering the object virtually invisible. Unfortunately, the closer
these objects come to light sources, such as the sun's corona, the less
"camouflaged" these objects become and the easier they are to spot. UFO
occupants may use all kinds of advanced technology to "cloak" their ships
but we must not overlook the simple technique of camouflage used by even
the tiniest of Nature's creatures.
Final Thoughts
UFOs may be rendered invisible through multidimensional travel,
electromagnetic frequencies that "cloak" the objects, travel at speeds faster
than the human eye can detect and even the use of reflective properties
which serve to camouflage these objects. UFOs may not be invisible but
rather unvisible to the human eye. As photographs and new techniques
demonstrate, UFOs can become visible if we extend the visual range of the
human eye through technology and other techniques. We may be looking
right at the evidence but not seeing it. All we need now are the right tools to
see beyond our physical, and sometimes mental, limitations.
Author:Amy Hebert, M.Ed., C.Ht.
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