FLASH! Phoenix UFO Sightings Recieve Coverage
in USA Today and NBC Nightly News...
...by Glen Boyd.
Wednesday, June 18, may well be
remembered as the day the national news media took notice
of the most significant UFO event since the Roswell incident
50 years ago. Today's editions of USA Today and NBC
Nightly News with Tom Brokaw both featured stories on
the Arizona UFO flap.
The Arizona flap (also called the "Phoenix Sightings")
became big news to the UFO research community last
March 13 when an enormous object (or objects, depending
on whom you talk to) was observed over several Arizona
cities by thousands of witnesses and videotaped by dozens
of them. The object is most often described as a series of six
lights forming a v-formation and trailed by a seventh light.
The other most common descriptives are that it is enormous
-- reports describe it as anywhere from three football fields
to a mile long -- and silent as it passes. The object was seen
by Arizona air traffic controllers who reported that it did not
register on their radar screens.
Today's USA Today devoted a full page in its "A section" to
the story... complete with pictures, testimony from
witnesses, and even what seemed to be a subtle call for
someone to investigate the story. Neither Arizona State and
City, or federal Government Officials have investigated the
story so far. The Air Force has also passed, citing their usual
"sorry, not in the UFO business..." party line. A Phoenix city
councilwoman, Frances Barwood, is pressing for an
investigation. In the meantime, as one witness puts it in the
USA Today report, "It's like having 50,000 people watch a
football game in a stadium, then having someone tell us we
weren't there."
The NBC Nightly News report was not as positive as the
USA Today story, despite showing spectacular video
footage of the object. The report centered heavily on the
UFO mania sweeping America in light of the usual culprits --
everything from the movie, Independence Day, to the
publicity surrounding the 50th Anniversary of the Roswell
Still, it was an odd sight watching Tom Brokaw snicker
about things "back here on Earth" as the video of an
enormous object with six lights of intense brightness
covering the entire Phoenix skyline played directly behind
him. Either he wasn't seeing the same thing as his audience
or he was in total denial!
With the 50th Anniversary of the purported crash of a UFO
and its crew in Roswell, New Mexico, rapidly approaching,
the Roswell story seems to be everywhere right now. At
your local newsstand, you'll find Roswell comic books, a
commemorative magazine (with an equally "commemorative"
$10 price tag), and Roswell cover stories on everything
from Popular Mechanics to Time magazine.
The Time story is noteworthy for its very one-sided
treatment of the Roswell Incident... going so far as to infer
the 1995 congressional General Accounting Office
investigation report reached much the same conclusion as an
Air Force report released at the same time which
determined the crashed object to be a Project Mogul
weather balloon. In fact, Congressman Schiff complained
loudly of documents relevant to his investigation having been
mysteriously destroyed. The Time report makes no mention
of this.
Meanwhile, get ready for yet another official Air Force
explanation. According to Time, a report to be released
later this month will explain the presence of "bodies" at the
crash site. The last Air Force report (the "Mogul" story)
neglected to do that because, according to Col. Richard
Weaver, "since we proved there were no UFOs, that
automatically meant there were no bodies."
Weaver goes on to explain the bodies reported by Roswell
witnesses this way. Seems the Air Force conducted
experiments where they would drop dummies out of
balloons flying at high altitude to determine the effects of
impact. The "dummies" we're 3.5 to 4 feet tall, bluish in
color, with ho hair, ears, or eyebrows. "People who saw
them mistook them for aliens," according to Weaver.
Meanwhile, Senator Strom Thurmond's office has issued a
statement taking issue with the foreword Thurmond wrote
for the controversial book "The Day After Roswell" by Col.
Phillip J. Corso (Ret.). In the book, Corso claims that, as
Chief of the Army's Foreign Technology Division, he
"stewarded" the alien artifacts recovered from an alien ship
which crashed at Roswell. He goes on to claim that reverse
engineering of the artifacts resulted in such modern
technologies as fiber optics and integrated curcuit chips.
Thurmond writes a nice introduction to the book which
verifies Corso's military and intelligence credentials. He has,
however, since disavowed the book claiming he was led to
believe that the forward he wrote would be for an entirely
different book about Corso's life... rather than the "Roswell
Exposé" which has hit the stands.
"The Day After Roswell's" co-author, William J. Birnes, has,
according to an internet source, since stated that he stands
by the book... including the inclusion of Thurmond's
foreword, and that he had Thurmond's permission and
knowledge of the foreword and "has his release to prove it."
Article used by permission of the author:Glen Boyd
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