President Clinton is being pressured to reopen supersecret government files
on the world's most baffling UFO incident. The man who wants the secrecy
ended is billionaire philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller, a personal
friend of the president. UFO experts believe the government covered up a
UFO crash in 1947 near Roswell, N.M., from which alien bodies were
recovered. this mystery was the basis of a highly-rated show on the Fox
television network which was repeated Sept. 5. "Many are convinced that
Roswell marks the beginning of government secret about UFO's" says Rockefeller
in a letter to the White House obtained through the Freedom of Information
Act. "Whatever the truth of Roswell, a definitive statement about it from
the government would be very important." the letter continues.
Rockefeller hosted President Clinton at his western ranch during the chief
executive's recent vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming - and insiders believe
he bent Clinton's ear about the UFO issue. He also wrote to President
Clinton's science advisor, John Gibbons, to urge that all UFO-related
information be released. UFO enthusiasts have long cited the Roswell
incident as the most blatant example of government cover-up. They claim
that after an alien space craft crashed, the bodies of the ET visitors
were autopsied and then secretly flown to an Air Force base in Ohio. In
his letter to the White House, Rockefeller suggests that a cover-up may
very well have been imposed by jittery bureaucrats. "While much in the
public sector has been written about it, the govt. has had nothing to
say about it .." says Rockefeller. He called on the President to promise
there would be no persecution for those coming forward and revealing their
eyewitness accounts of the New Mexico incident. "In addition to lifting
classification about Roswell, consideration should be given to granting
amnesty on an individual basis to allow those with knowledge about the
incident to speak without fear of prosecution: There is a reason to believe
that there are individuals who would provide information about the
incident under that circumstance."
The Roswell Incident has been repeatedly dismissed by the Defense Dept.
(Editor's Note: - Speculation, if the US Government knows that it
must talk about UFOs ... since the evidence is now becoming overwhelming,
who better to seem like the hero than a Rockefeller ... although it is
impossible to understand what is happening around the UFO issue behind
the scenes ... with comments such as only 1000 people on the planet know
what is really going on ... it seems like it would only make sense to
have a person in the know such a Rockefeller put pressure to share some
of the information ... most people now know for a fact that the Roswell
Incident did happen ... and the longer the US Government refuses to comment
upon it, the more we know it did happen and that we can not trust anything
that our Government is doing ... it is an interesting standoff I would
say ....)