An article from issue 7, of The X-Factor Magazine (UK),
mixed with opinions
by Richard Gall
Reports of inexplicably mutilated carcasses have been linked with
sightings of silent helicopters, strange moving lights and alien
beings. What is the truth behind these stories?
On September 1967, in Alamosa County, Colorado, a young colt called Lady
was found dead and stripped from the neck upwards. Conducting the
pathology examination, Dr John Altshuler; was astonished to find that
the animal's brain, spine and organs in the chest area, including the
heart, had been removed with incredible precision. What baffled him
most was that the animal had been completely drained of blood without so
much as a stain on or around the body.
When Dr Altshuler later examined tissue samples under a microscope, he
was shocked to discover that 'there was a darkened colour as if the
flesh had been opened and cauterized [burned apart by high heat] with a
surgical cauterizing blade ... almost as if it had been done with a
modern day laser.' Although lasers had been constructed in the early
1960s, there was still no surgical laser technology capable of causing
such wounds in 1967. Another mystery was the absence of tracks -
vehicular, human or animal - anywhere near the carcass. In fact, the
only prints found were the colt's hoofprints, and these ended about 30
metres from its body.
A spate of mutilations.
The 'Lady' incident heralded the beginning of animal mutilations in
Colorado and, later that year, in Pennsylvania. These were followed by
a wave of mutilations in the Midwestern states of Alabama, Iowa and
Texas, a further outbreak in Colorado in the early 1980s and another in
the Deep South in the early 1990s. In between, isolated cases have
occured - and continue to do so - with similar reports coming from
Canada, Central and South America, Australia and parts of Europe,
including Britain.
The vast majority of these cases have followed a remarkably similar
pattern :
Most mutilations involve cattle, although horses, sheep, goats, even
domestic pets, have occasionally been victims. More scary though, odd
cases of humans too.
There are no traces of a struggle. Even in snow-covered ground,
there are no tracks or footprints near the carcass. It appears as if
the animals are somehow lifted off the ground and later dumped from the
The internal organs, eyes, ears, tongues, rectums and genitalia are
frequently removed, along with flesh from the jaw.
Oval or circular bloodless incisions - often only hide deep - are
found on the carcasses, many of which are completely drained of blood.
These incisions are made with surgical precision.
More recent microscopic tissue analysis has shown that some of the cuts
point to the use of a scalpel, while others appear to have been made
without a knife, either some how cutting between the cells, or by
'cooking' the flesh, (gross) with a laser-like heat source, but without
leaving the carbon traces normally left by lasers.
Possible causes?
From the very beginning, this phenomenon has baffled investigators and
pathologists alike. Many experienced ranchers and sheriffs who have
been handling cattle mutilations for decades are convinced that these
particular cases could not possibly be the work of indigenous predators,
such as coyotes, wolves or mountain lions.
In some of the cases in Alabama investigated by UFO researcher and
documentary-maker Linda Howe in 1993, the mutilated animals' capillary
veins had been drained of blood, which would not have occurred had the
livestock been attacked by predators. Besides, what predator could be
capable of surgically boring out the genitalia of a cow?
As successive investigations failed to establish any natural causes,
other theories were put forward. One of these was that satanic cults
were abducting the animals for ritual ceremonies, although nobody could
explain what kind of devil worship involved the use of fleets of
helicopters and bulky medical lasers. In any case, echaustive
undercover by US and Canadian state authorities have failed to reveal
any trace of a link between occult activity and these mutilations.
Another theory was fuelled by reports of mysterious, low-flying black
helicopters - often silent and bearing none of the identification
numbers required by US federal regulations - appearing in the area
either immediately before or after the discovery of a mutilated carcass.
On a number of occasions, the helicopters were seen to be spraying the
area where mutilated animals were later found, giving rise to
speculation that livestock was being used - presumably by government
agencies, for testing biological and chemical weapons.
The mystery was further complicated by reports from civilians who
photographed these helicopters, alleging that they had been threatened
by men wearing black uniforms without insignias ... Men In Black??
Official Explanations ...
Over the years, the US military and government agencies have repeatedly
denied any involvement in these strange incidents. In fact, the Federal
Aviation Authority (FAA) has gone so far as to deny the very existance
of these strange helicopters.
As far as the mutilations are concerned, the official explanation has
always been the same - natural causes. Bowing to public pressure, the
FBI investigated the phenomenon in 1979. Its findings, delivered in a
297-page report, were published a year later and sided with those who
believed the mutilations were the work of animal predators. Yeah ...
right. Another argument, supported by official government autopsies,
was that the lack of blood was consistent with the length of time the
dead animals had been left undisturbed and that the cause of death could
be linked to parasites. Hmm, parasites steal organs using a laser tool
and steal an animals rectum? Doesn't quite add up does it ........
These explanations outraged ranchers and state investigators, who
complained of a whitewash. Dassatisfied with the response from the US
government, desperate ranchers formed private vigilante groups and took
to firing at any low-flying helicopters crossing their fields.
Alien Connection?
Although the FBI has been reluctant to become openly involved, UFO
author Timothy Good obtained a secret 1976 FBI report by Officer
Gabriel Valdez of the New Mexico state police. After inspecting a
multilated cow, the officer discovered pod marks depressed into the
earth, forming a triangle (Black triangle craft?). Each indentation had
a diameter of 40cm and strongly suggested that a 'suspected aircraft'
had landed, followed the cow and landed again where the cow was killed.
An oily yellow substance was found under the small tripods, the grass
around them was scortched and radiation levels were found to be much
higher than normal. To some ranchers and local investigators, this was
confirmation of what they had long suspected - that, as Lou Girodo,
chief investigator of mutilations for the District Attorney's office in
Trinidad, Colorado, put itm "We were dealing with creatures not from
this planet".
UFO Activity.
Lady's death, in September 1967, had coincided with a minor rash of UFO
sightings and reports of strange lights in the San Louis Valley, he area
where the colt's mutilated carcass was found. Each subsequent wave of
mutilations was also accompanied by a fresh outbreak of UFO sightings in
the affected area. This led some UFOlogists to speculate that there was
a connection between the helicopter and UFO sightings - perhaps the UFOs
could 'disguise' themselves as helicopters?
Another curious feature, althought his may not be connected with UFOs,
was the presence of fluorescent paint, visible only under ultraviolet
light, on the hides of some of the animal victims found near Dulce, New
Mexico. (Chemical experiments at the base?) In another case, a
putty-like substance was found in a mutilated cow's ribcage. Analysis
showed the substance to have a composition similar to paint, but
researchers are still baffled as to how it got 'into' the ribcage.
In her 1989 documentary, 'Alien Life Forms', Linda Howe interviewed
members of farming communities who claimed to have witnessed alien
beings engaged in the abduction of animals. Perhaps the most remarkable
account came from Ron and Paula Watson from Mount Vernon, Missouri. In
July 1993, while standing on their porch, the Watsons claimed to notice
some strange goings on at the far end of their pasture.
Alien Agenda
Looking through binoculars, they first saw a cow laying on its side,
seemingly paralysed. Standing over the animal were two small,
silver-suited beings, with large white heads. The beings raised their
arms above the cow's body and it appeared to 'lift' it. As they moved,
the cow 'floated' a few metres off the ground. The beings then
'steered' the carcass up a ramp into a cone-shaped spacecraft. The
craft appeared to have a mirror-like surface that reflected the
surroundings folige, making it almost invisible. It then took off and
vanished into the sky.
If it turns out that aliens are involved in mutilations, the question is
- why are they doing it? Many UFO researchers believe that these
mutilations are linked to human abductions and are carried out by the
same alien species, the small beings with wide-like hands and large, far
apart eyes known as 'greys'.
Howe claims she has received information from 'confidential sources',
including people in the military and intelligence communities, that "one
of these Grey groups has some kind of survival problem, and at least one
of the reasons for animal mutilations is to gather enough fluid, I guess
from haemoglobin and the plasma, to make some kind of essential
bio-chemical ingredient that these creatures need".
She admits, however, that it appears implausible that a technologically
advanced species, capable of travelling light years to visit Earth,
should need our livestock to solve its biological problems. You never
know, perhaps thats why they are here.
The fact is that nearly 30 years after these mysterious mutilations
started occurring, we are no nearer to discovering and proving the truth
behind them. All that is certain is that the mutilations conform to a
pattern, which would seem to suggest a purpose. But what the purpose
may be, is still a matter of guesswork. As is often the case in
UFOlogy, the mysterious remains not only unsolved, but grows stranger by
the day.
SUPPLEMENTAL ....... Extra Notes ...... :
Tony Dodd, a former police sergeant turned UFO
researcher, has amassed a large number of mutilation reports in Britain.
Many of his cases show much that same hallmarks as those reported in
the US and other countries - bloodless wounds; the 'surgical removal' of
organs, eyes and tongues; the rectum 'cored out' and the jawbone
stripped of flesh. Since the early 1990s, Dodd claims, incidents of
mutilation have involved wild animals such as foxes, deer, badgers,
seals and wild birds as well as livestock. A part of his enquiries,
Dodd wrote to the National Veterinary College and the National Farmers
Union asking for information on animal mutilations. Both organizations
replied that they were unaware of any cases of this nature. Despite
this denial, there are frequent reports from veterinary surgeons who
have examined sheep found dead with their organs missing. The animals'
bodies were also completely drained of blood and, even more puzzling, a
small hole had been bored into the top of their heads.
"...That documentary you did about cattle mutilations upset some people
in Washington. They don't want mutilations and UFOs connected
together..." [ Special Agent Richard Doty, USAF, to Linda Howe.]
Natural predators, such as bears, leave messy wounds when eating their
kills. Some researchers claim that carcasses with clean precise wounds
are proof of alien involvement.
The pathology report on a mutilated Hereford steer states that the
lesions in the hide were "consistent with a head-induced injury". A
close up of the tissue shows the notched edge ,"consistent with a
specimen collected via electrosurgical excision" ...
WITNESS: Judy Doraty
In Houston, Texas, on May 1973, Judy Doraty had a UFO encounter that
left her ill and unable to account for a period of time. In 1980, she
was hypnotically regressed by Dr Leo Sprinkle from the University of
Wyoming. What follows is an abridged transcript :
Can you describe what you saw?
"...I'm looking up... I can see an animal being taken up [into a
spacecraft] ... it's taken into some sort of chamber and I get
nauseated at watching how to excise parts. It's done very quickly, but
the calf doesn't die immediately. The calf's heart isn't taken ... and
then I can see the calf being lowered and when it's on the ground ... I
can see that it's not moving..."
How was it being cut up?
"... With instruments ... they are like a knofe but with different
handles ... [the cows] tissue is laid out flat and smooth and there are
needles in it, or probes with tubes connected to them. The same thing
[is happening] with the testicles and eyes.
Is anybody else around you?
"... I feel the presence of things, but can't see them ... I feel in two
places at once. I'm able to see what's going on in the craft, but I'm
also standing beside the road ..."
Focus on the inside of the craft.
"... It appears to be two little men ..."
How do they look?
"... Their hands have long claw nails ... very large hypnotic eyes, but
they don't blink ... I did not see a mouth ... they talk, but not with
their mouth ... they said I wasn't supposed to be here ... they project
that it was necessary this be done and that it is for the benefit of
mankind and that they are watching out for us ..."
A leading animal mutilation researcher, Howe is a film
maker with a masters degree in Communications from Stanford University,
Connecticut. Her film and television career has focused on
documentaries on scientific, medical and enviromental issues, for which
she has received local, national and international awards, including
three regional Emmies (TV's equivalent of Oscars.) Her television
documentary, 'A Strange Harvest', made in 1980, was the first to explore
the phenomenon of animal mutilation. Since then, she was become
involved in UFO research and now considered to be an international
authority on the subject. In 1989, Howe published a book, 'An Alien
Harvest', and followed this up, in 1993, with 'Glimpses of Other
Realities'. Linda has made a number of appearences on Art Bell Radio
... which you can visit at
Used by Permission of
Richard Gall
Skywatch International
Scotland Director