I hate Greg Thornton because he is a smelly fat pig
Greg Who?
Songs about Greg
Pictures of Greg
People who hate greg
EVEN MOREPeople who hate greg
Stories about Greg
Greg's phone number -- if you want to call him.
Greg's girlfriend's phones number -- call her too
If some fucker has been giving you a hard time at school calling you "freak", "fag", "loser", "gay" or "bastard" don't take it out on yourself -- take it out on greg!
greg and sam enjoy a debate... redneck style. (notice greg's makeup)
That's right everybody, thanks to some looking I have found Greg Thornton's E-mail address, why don't you Email him and tell him how much you hate him too!:
Greg's Email: Eggowag@Juno.com
Email greg's girlfriend
Greg's Girlfriend's Email: bluesclues828@hotmail.com
Thanks To
Dumb people: For giving me the power to hate
Email me
Go here or Greg will Eat you