Welcome to Molly Science Theater 3000

You may know Molly from such communities as alt.tv.whose-line, alt.fan.drew-carey, The Brad Sherwood Board, Whose Board Is It Anyway? and #wliia.

On this page you'll find nuggets of classic Molly wisdom from these forums, saved for the enjoyment of you, the dedicated Molly fan. Who needs regular, sane contributions when you can have a whining, incoherent child?

This page was created as a service for all those who despise Molly, as well as serve as a case study of how the average IQ of an online community can plummet because of one person's lack of sanity. If you are a Molly supporter, the three of you can send your feedback to the address below and the rest of us will quiety tear it apart at our earliest convenience.

04/21/01 -- A short little item in the WL Board section has been added.
03/31/01 -- Back in December I was emailed a great thread from the Brad Board, and it's finally up!
10/12/00 -- Read Molly's chat with Matt (Chat section), and email she sent to her most "trusted" Whoser friends (Email section), and a thread from alt.us.culture.70s where she plugs this site! (Newsgroups section)
10/10/00 -- new design!

Contributions are welcomed with open arms. Email Sharilyn
