From Julie:

I want to meet Molly for one reason, and one reason only: to introduce her to my best friend Bobbie. Allow me to explain the differences between them:

Molly was hit by a truck and now walks with what she describes as a "slight limp". She sees her accident as a right for her to get extra privileges and consideration. Now, I would not begrudge extra help to a disabled person (I walk with a bit of a stiff leg myself, so I am aware it's not easy). However, she seems to think this entitles her to the world.

I vividly recall a post from a year or so ago, wherein Jenn H offered a poster from the movie "Wilde" to whomever wanted it. Molly said something to the effect of, "Well, I deserve it more than anybody else, because I was hit by a truck and hurt my leg." It was that incident that really made me dislike her. I can't stand people who ride on their injuries. Furthermore, she brings up her accident at every given opportunity. "Ohh, give me sympathy because I'm not completely healthy." Guess what, Molly: you are not the only Whoser who has health problems. I shall not speak for others on this personal matter, but I will tell you that I have a plethora of problems (among them epilepsy and a recent cancer scare - don't have it, thankfully) that I would happily trade for a limp.

Bobbie was hit by a car and broke her back. She is in a wheelchair or on crutches all the time, but she never, EVER, uses it as an excuse for special treatment or not being able to do something. She almost never even uses her handicapped placard when we drive somewhere. She's the house manager of a brand new, 16-screen multiplex. She is active in local theater, including the recent lead in "Guys and Dolls". She is also in a very happy and devoted marriage.

On this website, you can read an e-mail Molly sent me saying she wanted to try out for "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" but figured she couldn't do much because of her leg. I met Bobbie through RHPS. She is our regular Dr. Scott, but she does so much more than that. She puts makeup on people and helps with costuming. I have seen her dashing up and down aisles on her crutches to help out with something. Furthermore, I have never known her to turn something down just because it might be a bit more difficult for her to do.

Bobbie is an inspiration to everyone, including me. Molly playing helpless and blaming everything on her accident makes me sick.