I Hate Harry Potter
Don't you?
Harry Potter is the STUPIDEST idea there ever was. Orphaned wizard boy? Who cares. To tell me how dumb Harry Potter is Sign My Guest Book! To tell me why you don't hate him Sign My Guest Book!
Go to my rants!
Go to my links!
I'm so sorry to Delia Diablo, I emailed her and she said that her guest book entry was supose to say   "I hate it! Harry Potter is so amazing! I think you didn't give the books a try! Harry Potter is great because it alows people to escape there troubles, and the horrors in this world,to go to a land that doesn't exist. Where absolute good is posible and evil can never win. It takes people to a world a magic where dreams really do come true. You shouldn't falt those of us who have found respite frome the world around us and the presures of every day life. Maybe the reason you make fun of Harry Potter is that you are unable to suspend you disbelief for even one moment to take pleasure in a world free from the trouble that we now face. Everyone needs a place to hide frome reality, maybe you should stop making fun of our's and go find your own way to escape from the world."

                              this was writen by  ~§*Delia Diablo*§~ delia_diablo@yahoo.com

sorry for cutting you off. I'm not an evil person I just hate Harry Potter Most of all i want your opinions to be heard. so if you have a lot to soy and the guest book cuts you off let me know so that people can know what you are saying.

Also my question is supposed to say "Know of any pro-Harry sites that I can use to show what Harry Potter is about so those whao don't know what it is can look around and find out?"

Thanks so much. Candi (a.k.a. ihatepotter)
Some people have been leaving very rude messages in my guest book. To the person who wrote that email: I have never seen your page and I never want to. I never deleted anything of yours. What gave you the stupid idea that I did anything to you or you page. Do not ever come on my page and say thing like that ever again. What makes you think you can go around accusing people of messing with your page. To anyone who might ever want to swear in my guest book again: TAKE IT SOME WHERE ELSE.  To the rest of you: I did not do anything to that person’s page. I am better than that.
                   To the person who wrote an email that said "Look,you don't like harry potter and harry potter does'nt like you,freak,you probably don't like it because you don't understand half the things thats happening,because you can't read,can you?????" and didn't leave a valid email adress, and to any one else who might feel this way; (By the way I am not angry. But I do believe that sending that email without a valid email adress is a cowardly thing to do)
.                     First of all I can, and do read all the time. In fact I generally read around 10 books a day. Also Harry Potter is incapable of liking anyone as he is a fictionalized character and therefore incapable of thinking or feeling anything. And, yes, I do not like Harry Potter. I am not insulted at all by this fact. I am, in fact, not a freak, but a normal and quite average person. I would also like to point out that on quite a few occasions I have stated "This site is for people who want to discuss Harry Potter like human beings capable of controlling themselves!" and maybe you should go to http://www.oocities.org/ihatepotter/insult.html. Also next time you intend to insult someone else’s intelligence, I suggest you use correct grammar and spelling. I have as much of a right to hate Harry Potter as you have to like it, and just as much right to create a web sit about it. You may read the constitution of the United states if you desire to know precisely what my rights are. Just to ensure that the size of this response does not serve to inflate your ego I must inform you that your opinion means nothing to me. I merely wrote this email to inform you of the points on which you were incorrect. You have demonstrate the fact that you are a completely closed-minded individual and therefore unworthy of any real thought on my part. Consider what I have said and I hope that this will help you on the way to becoming a more open-minded and tolerant human being. We do not need more intolerant and prejudice people in are already bigoted society. I don’t care what country you come from that is still the truth. I hope that next time you wish to insult someone for there opinions you will check the facts.

                                                                                                 Candice (Candi) M. Baller
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