DISCLAIMER: I don't any of the fictional (or real) characters referred to on this page. I don't own the universe or any of these stories and no one would pay me if I did. So don't sue.THIS PAGE CONTAINS LINKS TO SLASH! MATURE EXPLICIT I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD BEND LIKE THAT KINDS OF SLASH. THAT IS MAN MAN! XY/XY! NO XX INVOLVED (except as spectators) IF YOU DON'T LIKE OR APPROVE, HIT THE BACK BUTTON NOW. IF YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE A LEGAL OPINION, HIT THE BACK BUTTON NOW! Thanks, that's all!
A mystical dream convergence thingy leads to 7 sentinel and guides at a conference in Peru.
Goldielocks and the Three Bears, by Simon Banks/kikkimax
Nonslash. I plan to personally tell this version of the fairy tale to my kids someday.
Even the criminals of Cascade have figured out that you *don't* mess with Jim Ellison's Sandburg.
Highly Strung/Aaboe
The consequences of Jim taking diet pills instead of vitamins. Damn, I wish *I* had a Sentinel and some diet pills...or, you know, a cold shower.
The Sentinel's Rules for Dating the Guide/ Diana Williams
Exactly as it sounds.
Tops To Bottoms/Alyjude
Blair expounds on the trials and tribulations of being a Bottom...until he manages to snag his prize Top.
The Protests/RonneeM
Nonslash. Blair's students and faithful colleagues fight back after the Dissertation Fiasco with all the heart of a sixties protest group. Cute and funny.
Feeling Blair/Dolimir
Nifty little morse code ficlet.
Wine, Women and Schlong/Brighid
somewhere along the way, Naomi Sandburg's curly-haired boy had gotten himself hitched, without benefit of a freaking china pattern.
Partners/Josephine Darcy
Brown and Rafe decided to 'borrow' Blair for help on a case of theirs. The Sandburg Zone hits with a vengeance, Jim accuses them of 'breaking' his partner, and everything eventually ends with the Sentinel/Guide discussing the UST between them and, um, resolving it.
The Cure for the Common Zone-Out/Glacis
"New way to recover from a zone-out, Chief. Bury myself in you."
Anthro Puppy Blues /K9
SG crossover. Two anthropologists and two macho military and they're sure the others are straight...Riiiiiight. As the author said in her summary, not *exactly* j/b
Everything's Jake Universe/Alyjude
Go here to read about Jim and Blair as Mommy and Daddy for one exceptionally sweet little guy. And, yes, I did mean Mommy and Daddy in that order. Almost makes me want a kid of my own. Almost.
Based on an old Otto Preminger film, it included nitty gritty detective Jim and the apparent death of society boy Blair whose ghost he falls for. Its a murder mystery/sweet Jim-Blair fanfic. Sweet.
Double Date/alyjude
A Jim Blair Double Date disaster with assisted commentary from their dates. I cannot tell you how many of those conversations I've had among my slashbunny friends.
Star Ranger/Crystalphoenix
Despite it's campy title, this is kind of a Sentinel meets Star Trek kind of story that is long and detailed but utterly worth it. Even though it's more heterosexual lifemates than slash involved.
Death of a Beloved/alyjude
Humor, not a deathfic. Blair demands a divorce, Jim doesn't remember getting married. My favorite part, when Blair tells him he plans on keeping the loft and kicking Jim out.
The Littlest Guide /Angelee
As far as I'm concerned, this should be a classic. In a world where Sentinels and Guides are common and respected, Jim and Blair have the distinguishment of being the youngest ever. Super cute mini!Blair and slightly confused mini!Jim. It's fantastic! Makes me wish I had some kind of rating system...
Another one by Angelee; basically a sweet little fluff piece where Jim finds Blair and his fugly dog in the snow and decides to adopt both. Awwww....
A Bag of Chips and Revelations/Elli
Blair Sandburg doesn't quit. Ever. I think that might actually be a quote...Anyway, very cute and funny one-shot with a funnier (is that a word?) sequel -Phone Calls and Revelations (slight crossover with another TV show that I can't tell you)
Susan's Stories -
852 Prospect: The Sentinel Adult Fiction Archive -
The Kennel
Destinies Entwined
-A great Sentinel slash fanfic site that I look forward to completely raiding later. More recs! Yea!
Diana's Fiction-She's got lots of fanfiction from quite a few series.