DISCLAIMER: I no more own anything on this page then I have shares in Home Depot. Which, in case you're wondering, I don't. I don't even know anyone who works at home depot. So don't sue. I've got more debt than credit and one day I'll be fired for working on this dang site at my desk instead of, you know, actual work. The title of the page is from the Shakespeare quote from Hamlet, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." I thought it was fitting at least.
There may or may not be SEX. Het sex and slash sex. However, I'm fairly sure that most of those pairings are same species at the very least. I think. Anyways, this is one of the few pages that isn't *totally* about the man sex so enjoy it while you can. Yep, we got lost family and adventures and mysteries but not so much sex as normal. Go figure. BTW, eventually I'll go back and organize these by fandoms but for now...good luck.
A Sarcophagus in Sunnydale/thecrystalkey
SG1-BtVS*sigh* I love this story! Jack and Daniel have their first meeting with 'The Scoobies' while they're still in high school. Daniel is horrified and intrigued and Jack just wants to know when he can start recruiting.
Scooby Through the Stargate/thecrystalkey
SG1-BtVS-Sequel to the above. High school is over when SG runs into one Xander Harris again. Jack, of course, tries to recruite him.
This was actually the first SG crossover story I ever read and I must say, it got me hooked. Jack as Xanman's Dad.
Chances Are/Allyndra
SGAbtvs. Rodney McKay has a morning after with our favorite one-eyed carpenter. "You're funny and smart, and you have absolutely no sense of tact. You're *so* my type."
Distant Relations/SierraPhoenix
SupernaturalBtVS. Xander is actually a Winchester which would actually be cool if the brothers weren't so paranoid and if he could actually pin down his flighty real dad. Geesh, family is tough.
Carving Out a Future/ Dreamfall
Firefly/btvs xover. The Serenity gets a new passanger, the white knight. I love the rapport between Xander and River.
For The Twinkie/JMD-009
Hellboy/btvs. Humor fic. You don't mess with Xander's snackcake. Period.
Father Goose and the Black Knight/litmouse
This one is amazing especially as it has one of the only het pairings I like-Xander/Faith. The Father Goose series rocks. It has BadAsswithHeartofGold!Faith and Denmother!Xan. Just, um, go check it out. Multiple crossovers!
Tall Tale/Memet
SG-1/btvs. Jack and Buffy hook up (in a nonsexual way) and the earth trembles beneath their combined dumb luck. Sequels! Happy Pills, You've Got to Have Friends, and When Jack Met Buffy.
Father Figure/afrai
Rincewind, meet Harry Potter.
Evil Be Thou Good/Ruskbyte
Harry Potter & Hellraiser. That really shouldn't actually work together especially seriously.
A Zeppo In Gotham/lisaroquin
One of my newest favorite series. Xander and one of his youngest mini-slayers get sucked into Batman-verse. Costumes and tights ensue. Best part? When Andrew back in the home universe recognizes the new Chaos Shadow character in his comics as the missing Scooby. O.o
Good Slaying/justaguy
Only for fans of Alton Brown AND Buffy the Vampire Slayer. No, seriously, we find it hilarious, everyone else is probably just mildly confused.
Twisting the Hellmouth - Freaking awesome site full of Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossovers that let you chose the shows and the main character of the cross. Since I'm a major Xanderphile, this rocked. Ooo! Also has this fan-fucking-tastic option of 'whole story' which makes it easy to save whole stories to disk to read later. I'm in love!
FF.net community listings for Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crossovers.