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Quotin': "Remember that on the Internet the crazy lead and the pathetic and unloved follow. "
Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons

Completion of the next issue:

2006.11.18 Uh... hi.
So, I recently got an email that IGH has "been cycled back to the top of the comic listings" on Whatever that means. Anyway, if there's actually some new visitors here, be assured that I still check the email mentioned before and the IGH-forum as well (if nothing else then to delete spambots). So if you for some reason want me to continue with this comic, don't hesitate to drop me a line. If (and I know that I'm just fantazising now) someone would want to draw this comic with me scripting it, that'd be awesome. I do have some ideas for more stories, but I can't really motivate myself to draw another sub-par issue. Comics are about the art as much as the story, and let's be frank, I suck at art. So if you are good at drawing but suck at writing, this might be the start of a beautiful friendship.

2005.4.06 All good things must come to an end. And then there's this site.
I'm thinking about giving up this site. Why? First reason: Nobody seems to care about it. Second reason: I'm too lazy to continue drawing the comic. It would be sorta obvious by now that I hardly ever update, and when I do, it's just to say "the next update will have something interesting!" Anyways, if there actually is someone out there who actually reads this, and genuinley wants the adventures of the Intergalactic Heroes continue, tell me. I might just not give up. Heck, it worked once before.

2005.2.08 Gay balls of fire NO MORE! Hmm, it sounded cooler with "kryptonite"...
Whaddya know, I got an email:

Subject: Voting link
The letter: Hi,

My name is Celine and I'm the creator of the "Gay Balls of Fire" comic strip. Someone sent me an email saying that there was this confusion over your project comics voting code.

Anyway, I checked your site and here's the URL it shows: ""

The number "4" is my site's index number at project comics. You should change it to your site's index number. However, I can't find your comic on Project Comics, so it's possible that something went wrong with your registration.

This is the size of my Ego

Thanks for the letter, Celine! This proves two things:
1. I'm lazy and should update my links more often.
2. Someone out there actually visits this site and actually tries to help me with my trouble. Who is this Mystery Reader? If you're reading this, do contact me and...uhm...well, I don't have any prizes or anything, but...maybe I'll start a Reader Mail-page? And try to update more often? The possibilities are endless!
Oh, and because of this, I've forcibly removed the voting links from the "main" pages. But they're still around on the comic-pages. I'll fix soon, I hope.

2005.1.26 Whuh...?
Today, I checked my email, just like every other day. I've gotten two mails. The first I don't need to tell you about 'cause it was perfectly ordinary and from someone I knew. Then I clicked at the second:

Subject: tennis class
The letter: i am not sure if this is the right email address...i am interested in take some tennis class.
please, give me a feedback if u r a tennis instructor


Let's think now...I cannot possibly remember ever mentioning anywhere (both here and elsewhere) that I have any interest in tennis at all. This is scary. Should I reply? Is it some sort of scam? Or do I wake up late at night and go out to play tennis in my sleep, waking up the next morning without knowing a thing of my (not) evil deeds? Yeah, that must be the case. AAARGH!

In other news, it doesn't seem like I'm gonna be voted for anywhere. The only link I've got is still saying that you should vote for "Gay Balls of Fire", whatever the heck that is. I'll fix it some time.

In other other news, Joe the Circle is no longer dead, it seems! My favorite webcomic ('cept for my own, I guess...I mean, of course!) is moving to another sever! Stay tuned! Same Intergalactic-channel, same Intergalactic-time!

2005.1.07 Here we go again...
Yup, the meter is empty, and I've started work on the next issue. Also, last year's news have been moved to the archives, in case you want to know several different ways of saying "it's gonna be done any day now...just wait some more..."

Archives for 2004
Archives for 2003