Romanian Nationalism Since 1965
by Olga Magdalena Lazin
Under the Ceausescu's (1965-1989), and now again under Iliescu, Romanians experimented with and have exhausted all nuances of nationalism. In the name of
national interest, a central intelligence system (the dreaded Securitate) was
created to recruit informers and plant agents in every voluntary association in
the country, including trade/labor unions, universities, and even in peoples'
houses. Students were informing on professors, children on parents and
colleagues on superiors, in order to advance up the party ladder.
Ceausescu needed an enemy "of the nation", real or imagined, to justify the
extreme "patriotic" measures taken by him and his clique. To make an analogy,
the imaginary country Oceania (in Orwell's '1984') is a perfect metaphor for the
'enemy of the People', the combating of which justifies any arbitrary action of
the government. It is the 'enemy' that didn't even exist but was invented to
justify decision making control of minds and actions of the party. Hungarians
and Americans were the enemies of Romanians. Hungarians because of their
irredentist claims on Transylvania, and Americans because Romanians feared an
"imperialistic invasion."
The critical rise to power for Ceausescu came in 1968, when he refused to join
in the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. Ceausescu, who had succeeded the
deceased Gheorghiu-Dej in 1965, proclaimed that Romania would forcibly resist
invasion: the Communist Party thereby became truly popular and the cult of the
personality of Ceausescu was born. Under Nicolae Ceausescu nationalism and
authoritarianism came together in forced industrialization in the Stalinist
manner; Ceausescu's brand of socialism consisted of devoting of the maximum
percentage of the national product to investment. For him there had been no
retreat from central planning in industry or agriculture.
A strong myth-building machine was set in function by the designers of
Ceausescu's public celebrations. Parades became ritualistic eulogies of the
Communist Party and songs and poems were all dedicated to "the brave, beloved
'conducator' Nicolae." As center of a small elite of loyalists who ran the
country, Ceausescu's image was everywhere, and the banners proclaimed not only,
or not primarily the Communist Party, but the name of Ceausescu. The servile
writers and poets who supported Nicolae were then sent on trips abroad and were
guaranteed momentary immunity.
The infamous Romanian 'Securitate' performed as the 'Thoughtpol': this
'eminence-grise' was ever-present and patrolled almost every street. Informers
told the 'Securitate' who was listening to the radio 'Free Europe' and what
professors were teaching in school. The irony of the term like 'Securitate' or
Security was intuitively relevant to our lives. By the end of the regime
computer-kept records could be revised with an ease that Winston Smith would not
have been able to imagine. Members of the Security were invested with the
cutting edge of technology' and arbitrarily were arresting anyone who was
suspicious or had been "reported". Writers, potential leaders or defectors were
brutally tortured, imprisoned, or mysteriously "vaporized". Much of the
technology of the fictional "1984" was in all Nicolae Ceausescu's years in
power. As in "1984," Ceausescu ordered that TV monitors be placed on each corner
of major streets in central Bucharest so that the military could intervene!
in an effective and timely way to prevent any popular uprising. Groups of more
than 4 people were prohibited by law to assemble, unless under government
control. Complete isolation from exterior influence was imposed as a measure of
'protection' of the Romanian nation from the imperialistic powers.
TV was limited for 25 years to a sole national channel, which reported with
spurious accuracy false statistics and systematically distorted the people's
ability to understand the miscontrolled economy. Nicolae and his wife Elena were
shown as a happy presidential couple daily visiting towns, villages, and fields
with the peasants. They were shown reviewing the 'socialist achievements' in the
factories, holding children in their arms and expounding mealy-mouthed slogans
about government benevolence and personal sacrifice made by the officials, the
pain they underwent for the Romanian people. Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were so
megalomaniac that painters, carpet wavers, and sculptors were ordered to imprint
the Ceausescu's images everywhere. Elena Ceausescu's wardrobe contained as many
dresses as that of Evita Peron. The couple had a palace in every city and resort
of the country.
In their daily speeches the Ceausescu's were more Romanian than all Romanians,
all science was 'Romanian', gymnastics and soccer were best Romanian, as were
bread, butter and salt, everything good was Romanian. Nicolae Ceausescu became
the supreme leader who told his people what to eat (food was rationed), what to
wear (depending on the weather,) and how many children a family should have
(abortion being punished with imprisonment).
The Palace of the People, built with enormous sacrifices by Ceausescu's order
and in his 'honor' is still the second enormous building in Europe after
After 1975 all foreign journals and magazines were banned from entering the
country. Among the weekly laws promulgated by Ceausescu, one prohibited
answering foreigners' questions. Foreign visiting relatives had to stay only in
controlled hotels. This law was an absolute aberration for philology students or
professors as no communication was possible in other languages than Romanian.
The academic milieu and curricula was infested with Marxist ideology. The
following terminology dominated all life: "the new man" , "revolutionary",
"socialist competition" , "multilaterally developed society." People addressed
each other as "comrades". The continuing influence of socialism on the language
of intellectuals and scholars was evident also in the textbooks, in every
discipline. To Marx especially we owed the substitution of the term "society"
for the "state." This circumlocution suggested that the actions of individuals
can be regulated by some gentler and kinder method of direction than coercion.
As a result, the Communist system rooted out civil society.
The Hungarian language University-Bolyaj was forcefully merged with the Romanian
Babes, and nationalism was used by Ceausescu because it was seen as
instrumental in carrying out party policy. Already in April 1964, the communist
party's central committee had issued a declaration of independence from Moscow;
every party in power was "entitled to decide for itself how to reach
Romania was for years the private office of the Ceausescu family (30 members in
the government), who ruled by nepotism much as Trujillo's in the former
Dominican Republic and the Somoza's in Nicaragua were ruled by nepotism.
In the Romanian variation of state terror, the nation could progress only under
socialism; the party represents not the international working class but the
nation. Party membership requires total devotion and loyalty to the leadership.
The Communist Party hierarchy standing over the state and society, became a mass
organization subordinate to the state. Party and state functions became much
more extensively merged than in the Soviet Union. Romanians had to swear loyalty
to both state and party.
The strongest fusion was at the top. Ceausescu was at once General Secretary of
the Party, President of state, President of the State Council and Chairman of
the National Defense Council on Socioeconomic Development. His personality cult
was the strongest in the communist world exceeded only by that of Kim Il Song in
North Korea.
To understand what Ceausescu meant for the Romanians, however, I have to concede
his merit at the early stages of leadership. Ceausescu won popular support when
he refused to take Romania into the Soviet run COMECON (Council for Economic
Assistance), claiming that becoming subservient to COMECON was inadmissible for
a Communist state, offensive to the pride as well as injurious to the Romanian
economy. Ceausescu also asserted a limited independence in defense and foreign
policy. He declined to let Romania participate in joint military maneuvers on
Romanian soil and restricted military integration into Soviet military activity.
To solve economic crisis and acute political tension he would call the nation to
rally against "foreign aggressors." Nationalism became a justification for
exercising state terror.
In a 1989 coup, Ceausescu was toppled by Ion Iliescu amidst a confused bloody
The legacy of the fiercely nationalistic system, is that nationalists still hold
important power in Congress, resisting privatization, so important for entering
the globalization process. To fight this conservative nationalism, the current
president Emil Constantinescu, used an international colloquium in Bucharest on
"Morality and Government in the Transition period," on 12 February 1998 to tell
investors that they have no right to talk about Romanian corruption as long as
they do not dare to officially complain about it. He claimed that those
investors in fact engage in "tacit collaboration" with those who are corrupt.
Constantinescu said that totalitarian structures have been replaced by
"democratic hybrids" rather than genuine democratic structures and that the
"pillars" of the former system work hand in hand with organized crime to take
over the new "fragile structures." He asked for the investors help to save
democracy and prevent anarchy or a dictatorship that exploit's and builds upon the "national communist" version of nationalism.
To enter globalization, Constantinescu has sought to gain NATO membership for
Romania, as well as to enter free trade blocs as well as attract foreign
investors. Further he resolved festering Hungarian tensions. Suddenly Romanians
and Hungarians realized that they can be culturally themselves, yet belong to
the new Romanian nation which is becoming less nationalistic as it becomes part
of Europe.
1. "Romania After Ceausescu" by Tom Gallagher, Edinburgh University Press, 1995,
p. 56.
Ph.D. in History at UCLA . Thesis: "Globalization of Civil Society and Free
Trade Blocs: Romania and Mexico Compared."
by Olga Magdalena Lazin