I  I  C  M    I N T E R N E T   
"A N O I N T I N G" 
M A G A Z I N E S   

The Circulation of our Monthly Internet Magazine has increased to
 nearly 250,000 Pastors and Christian Leaders 
living all over the world, to nearly 77 countries. 
We are receiving several good responses from the subscribers. 
Every month a Special Article is being featured by Dr. JOHN WILLIAMS.

Click on the link pasted below to view the Video Clippings 
about the Anointing/Manifestation/Power of the Holy Spirit:

GERMANY               IRELAND              HONDURAS        MEXICO            NIGERIA      INDIA  
SCOTLAND           NEW YORK           AUSTRALIA        HOLLAND       BAHRAIN      SABAH


The Grace of Lord Jesus Christ Meditation of the Word of God"
Worldliness and Materialism "Royal Priesthood" 
God's Economic System & Divine Prosperity The Universal/Christian/Biblical Values"
There is nothing greater than Love on this Earth What is "Giving" Scripturally & Spiritually Speaking?
Revelation Knowledge"  


Christ is Born! The Greatest Commandment and the Law of GOD Money Anwereth All Things!
How God Speaks" Walking and Talking with God" Experiencing the Foretaste of Heaven


“War & Peace” “The Spirit of Anger” “Answers for your Prayers”


Article: “Giving II” Article: “Giving I” Article: “Pride” Article: “Sin”

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