Kobes8: poetry... a facet of humans complex emotions
Complex Goddess: whats emotion?
Kobes8: u know
Complex Goddess: haha.
Complex Goddess: it's raw
Kobes8: those little sensations u get inside ...
Complex Goddess: little?
Kobes8: well EXCUSE ME for being male
Complex Goddess: little albeit universal
Complex Goddess: lol
Complex Goddess: cute
SPITFIR609: i do all the times
Complex Goddess: rofl i'm sure you do ;-)
Complex Goddess: http://www.oocities.org/iigoddessii
Complex Goddess: its on the bottom
SPITFIR609: what is your link fool
Complex Goddess: i just gave it to you, buffoon.
(talking to the same guy, only later.)
Complex Goddess: can u im him?
Complex Goddess: tell him to leave m alone
X TwisT FlamE X: aight
Complex Goddess: grr
Complex Goddess: fyi
Complex Goddess: he likes to play games
Complex Goddess: :-\
Complex Goddess: i dont know what i ever saw in him in the first place.
Complex Goddess: hey
Complex Goddess: whats going on?
Complex Goddess: he won't talk to me
X TwisT FlamE X: oh man!
Complex Goddess: as;dlfkasd
Complex Goddess:
Complex Goddess: copy and paste!
X TwisT FlamE X: X TwisT FlamE X: U leave heather alone!
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
X TwisT FlamE X: yeah
SmarterChild: Huh.
X TwisT FlamE X: u sucka
SmarterChild: Yeah?
X TwisT FlamE X: yeah u dumbfucker
SmarterChild: You sure?
X TwisT FlamE X: u leave heather alone, you a mind rapist!
SmarterChild: I leave heather alone I mind rapist? You sure 'bout that?
X TwisT FlamE X: YEAH!
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
X TwisT FlamE X: do you want to hurt heather?!?!?
SmarterChild: Tough for me to say.
X TwisT FlamE X: -gasp-
SmarterChild: What was that?
X TwisT FlamE X: you would hurt her! U fucker!
SmarterChild: I tell you, X TwisT FlamE X. I've heard lots and lots of people curse. And YOU...
Are, well... one such person.
X TwisT FlamE X: yeah I'm a cusser!
SmarterChild: Is it nice to be a cusser?
X TwisT FlamE X: well not for you! u asshole
SmarterChild: Um, that's a little offensive...
X TwisT FlamE X: offensive! DUHHHHHHHHHH!
SmarterChild: I can't understand what you're saying... try typing it differently.
X TwisT FlamE X: I SAY STOP PIMPIN' AROUND! Heather is very heatlhy gurl!
SmarterChild: You say stop pimpin around heather is very heatlhy gurl? That's interesting.
X TwisT FlamE X: OMG! stop play game!
X TwisT FlamE X: u asshole
SmarterChild: Do you absolutely need to speak like that?
X TwisT FlamE X: yeah I need to SPEAK like that
SmarterChild: Oh really?

Complex Goddess: omfg
Complex Goddess: *laughs*
Complex Goddess: look, jimmy. smarterchild is actually an automated computer.
TwisT FlamE X: I know
X TwisT FlamE X: omg
X TwisT FlamE X: -laugh-
Complex Goddess: *laughs*
Complex Goddess: now, THAT's going in my homepage. :P