Hi, welcome to my homepage. Yes, that's my name up there (I'm a muslim so assalamu alaikum - peace unto you - to everyone out there). What else?... I'm a Nigerian/African, I live in Nigeria. There, that went well!

Stranger: Wow, now I feel like I've known you all my life!

Really, cool! You know, just the other day...

Stranger: I was being sarcastistic!

Oh, that's nice... Anyway, hi everyone! I hope you enjoy and also make good use of some of the stuff you're going to find on my pages. While the Internet is still relatively new here in Nigeria, I thank God at least I have been privileged to be amongst those with access to the online world. Although the 'Net does have it's nasty areas (like the porn and hate sites and all that), just like the real world we live in, the beautiful thing is that you still get to have a lot of entertaining and informative material right on your computer system. This indeed is the information age, I just hope we all get to find and use all the positive information out there (what with all the sickos lurking around).

You also get to meet a lot of interesting people online, which is something I like to do. I have already gotten to know so many people from different parts of the world it feels like someone over there in Scotland's just a next-door neighbour. At this point I'd like to  say thank you to all my friends who've been kind enough to let me harass their mailboxes with my emails. I've been able to learn quite a lot from them  and I pray we going learning from each other... and cracking ourselves up from time to time. I'm not going to start mentioning all their names (you know yourselves!) 'cos it might make this longer than it has to be and besides I'd also like to pay some tribute to my parents and family, they're the ones helping to pay the bills y'know! You can also visit Asim's, Yanwen's, Mme. Kate's and ~HORROR~ pages.

Links to my pages are provided below. Have fun.



My first web page made even before I got on to the 'Net and while I was just beginning to master the use of a computer and web page designing. It contains short stories, drawings, funny music, ecards and some other things I managed to produce all because I was in the "right mood at the right time". All the illustrations I have made using either a touch pad or a mouse along with whatever software was available (apart from the items I have scanned)

This is mainly a collection of sites related to comic books which I have gathered.

Ikani's Homestead
This was a 'links page' I had originally designed  for the ISP I work with. As fate would have it, some of the people there didn't think much of it and when it became obvious it would be replaced I merely 'took it over'. The page contains links to various sites and makes a useful homepage. It also contains links to other pages people have had me produce for them ('more pages' link) - the MSSN page contains cool links to Islam-related sites.




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