Learn Italian
Check out this page each week for new Italian phrases to use on your trip!

November 14, 2006 – Food Part 1

English                      Italian                                     Pronunciation


Breakfast                   colazione                              koh-laht-seeOH-nay

Lunch                          pranzo                                   PRAHNT-soh

Dinner                         cena                                       CHAY-nah

Appetizers                 antipasti                                ahn-tee-PAH-stee

Sandwiches               panini                                                pah-NEE-nee

Bread                         pane                                       PAH-nay

Salad                          insalata                                 een-sah-LAH-tah

Soup                           zuppa                                                TSOO-pah

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Have fun using your Latin trying to spell out the Italian word to save the hangman!
The phrase of the week is brought to you from the book Rick Steve's Italian Phrase Book & Dictionary.
Check out the previous phrases listed here!