:: I Am InuYasha ::
Welcome to I Am InuYasha! A web shrine dedicated to the one and only Inu Hanyou InuYasha!This site is full of information, images, and all around good stuff for any InuYasha fan out there!

:: Updates ::
August 10th 2004: Well Well! Look who got off her lazy rearend! Yea, this is still the same I Am InuYasha, but lookie, its actually pretty! I finally got up the guts to just download a layout from Daydream Graphics to make this place look four times better than it has -ever- looked before. I'm so floored by Pika-Princess's work! Anywho, down to buisness. This is a completely revamped I Am InuYasha, and yet it will have everything exactly the same, so no worries on anything like that! The info will be the same and all, and I know how to give you guys my music vids so we will have more media up as well! Don't forget to start sending in fanart and fanfiction, there's never too much of that going around as well! ALl the navigation is to the right.

:: Credits ::

  1. AnimeWallpapers - For the image used.
  2. Day Dream Graphics - Downloaded @ DDG
  3. Nocturna- Brushes. (Don't have URL).
  4. Moon Dreamers - © Moon Dreamers.

  1. Fonts Used: Redensek,
  2. Program Used: Paint Shop Pro 7.
  3. Other Credits: For other credits visit credits.
  4. Notepad: For HTML scritping and CSS.

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Image © AnimeWallpapers
Layout © Moon Dreamers