

We the I.K.A. Realm of Tennessee would like to say, Greetings. We also welcome you to search our site and expand your knowledge of our organization.You will be surprised to find out that we are not the fanatical monsters that the media makes us out to be!! We are a christian and lawbiding organization. We in no way encourage or participate in illegal acts, or violence. We hope that you enjoy our site. Please, don't forget to check out the Topics on page 2 and sign our guestbook.

Imperial Klans of America

for more info write our Tennessee address
IKA P.O. Box 140958 Nashville, TN 37214-0958

or write our INTERNATIONAL at:
IKA P.O. BOX 309 Powderly, Ky 42367

The I.K.A. is not just an organization. It is a FAMILY!! A family that informs each other as well as teaching each other. We also take care of , and watch out for one another in the the same way that a family does. The only difference in our family and yours, is that we welcome you to  become a part of our family anytime you want!!

Everyday America is being flooded with illegal aliens. They come to America and they steal, mug, rob, and sale drugs!! If that is not enough they are also allowed by our government to work tax free, which allows them to take jobs away from justified American citizens!!! To make things even worse they are now dating interacially, when they aren't raping some innocent and unsuspecting female, adding to the already overexisting  population of bi-racial children!!     It's time that we locked our boarders and started controlling the immigration problem in America!! To ensure that our Aryan children will have a promising future in their own country!!!!

The I.K.A. is growing larger everyday, in fact we are growing world wide!! Make a stand and join the fastest and largest organization in the world!! If not for yourself, then do it for the future of your children, and grandchildren!!


Last Update: 4/4/00