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Ed Parker's
American Kenpo Black Belts
 Senior Grand Master Edmund K. Parker
As our Senior Grand Master, Founder and "Father of American Kenpo", Edmund K. Parker,
was  instrumental in developing our Art.  In honor of this, we have listed the "11" highest
ranked Instructors which he had officially* promoted to 7th degree prior to his untimely passing.
 Dave Hebler  -  Steve LaBounty - Tom Kelly -  Frank Trejo -  Bob White - Larry Tatum -
Chuck Sullivan - John Conway (Deceased) -  Richard "Huk" Planas  - Joe Palanzo - Ron Chap'el
Dave Hebler Stephen LaBounty Tom Kelly Frank Trejo Bob White Larry Tatum Chuck Sullivan John Conway Sr. (Deceased)Richard Huk Planas Joe Palanzo Ron Chap'el
"Right Click" on a picture for a larger image - then click "view image"
*  There were temporary, provisionally dated crossover promotions such as Nick Cerio, Kali Griffith and of
course Elvis's promotion.  These promotions were restricted or honorary and not necessarily earned as those
listed above that worked their way up in the Art.

*  Dragons and Belts Graphics are compliments of Ed Parker Jr.