Partridge Silkies

The Standard of the American Bantam Association requires that the male Partridge Silkie should have a head that is a brilliant medium shade of rich red. The hackle and saddle should be greenish black with narrow edging around the entire surface of the feather of a red shade to match the head. The front of the neck, the body, the tail, the breast and the shoulders should be black. The female's plumage should have uniformly penciling of black, reddish bay and black. The head should be deep reddish bay. The hackle should be black penciled with reddish bay. The neck, breast, wings, back, body, and cushion should be reddish bay penciled with black. The tail should be black and reddish bay. The undercolor should be slate in both male and female.


Bearded Partridge Cock owned by Roy Kårtveit


Bearded Partridge Hen owned by Roy Kårtveit


Bearded Partridge Bantam Cock and Hen owned by Terry Campbell


Bearded Partridge Bantam Hen owned by Valerie Hirvela


Bearded Partridge Bantam Cock owned by Valerie Hirvela

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Last Updated July 15, 1999 by Inga Ladd